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  1. peggy

    When to change halide bulb

    How often does a metal halide bulb need to be changed. Is it as frequent as a power compact (e.g., 6 - 8 months)? I thought I remember reading somewhere that they don't need to be changed until they burn out. Hope everyone has a safe and happy Holiday season!
  2. peggy


    Ratrod U just gave some of the best advice I have EVER seen posted on this website. I battled hair algae, bubble algae, red algaie and algae I couldn't even identify in my 75 gallon tank for months and finally paid a "professional" to help bring my 3 year old tank back under control. The very...
  3. peggy

    drip acclimating the best?

    I use the drip method and to keep the water the same temp as the QT I place a heating pad underneath my 3 gallon bucket. Start out on low temp and as the water level rises I move to medium temp. Have been able to acclimate 4 hours with no more than a 1 degree drop in temp. I then keep in QT...
  4. peggy

    Trying to identify type of algae

    Well I can certainly see why it's called Q-tip but mine looks more like spider webs all woven together.
  5. peggy

    Trying to identify type of algae

    I have a white "algae" growing that I can't find any reference to in my books. It's on the tip of a rock that has a a protuding edge to it. It resembles white stands of cotton with little pieces that wave in the water. So far it hasn't spread to any other area and is very slow growning. I've...
  6. peggy

    pulsing(pom pom) zenia

    Mine died as well after a month. I think the lighting needs to be strong and our Coralife just isn't doing it.
  7. peggy

    HELP nitrates spiking

    Hi Rbmount - People say that dirty bio balls can cause an increase in the nitrate level. Assuming that it can would not the nitrate reading be consistently high and not simply spike every two months? That's why I suspect it's something be added or done to the tank (or even around the tank)
  8. peggy

    Fish Mix O.K. for a 75

    The fish your listing are not large but it may be a bit much depending on how old your tank is, how good a filtration system you have and how well you take care of it. Without knowing any more detail about your tank I would suggest starting out with just a couple. You'll see a spike in your...
  9. peggy

    HELP nitrates spiking

    If it is only occuring every two months have your friend think about anything (no matter how insignificant it seems) he is doing on a perodic basis to the tank (i.e., adding a chemical, cleaning equipment, etc.). I know he wants to solve the problem right now but if no one has an answer have...
  10. peggy

    Jumped ship last night

    I discovered my 4-line wrasse lying dead on the floor last night after jumping out of the tank. There is only a small opening that isn't covered but he managed to find it. I have not read where these fish are "jumpers." Did I miss something?
  11. peggy

    to all aquarium keepers

    I've had my tank for 10 months. I recently went on vacation for a week and all I could think about were the fish back home and if they were all right. Couldn't wait to get home and see them again. Yes, I am sick. :D
  12. peggy

    Do you need to light makeup saltwater?

    I have a 30 galllon trash can sitting in my basement that is used only to make and store saltwater. I continually keep it covered because I have two cats and don't want their hair getting into the water. What your doing is just fine. :yes:
  13. peggy

    Temp loss during drip acclimation?

    Always had the same problem. After an hour and a half temp in bucket was 3 to 4 degrees lower than tank. Just tried something new this week and it worked great. Took a cardboard box and in the bottom put a heating pad (one that was long and narrow (made for arms) as oppose to the square ones)...
  14. peggy

    Need for protein skimmer with EcoSystem

    I was recently told by LFS that any system that uses a refugium with plants for filtration (e.g., the EcoSystem like I use) still needs a protein skimmer because the water will eventually take on a yellow cast. I then read the same thing in one of my books. Does anyone have any experience with...
  15. peggy

    Brown algae GROWING, Help!!

    I think your main problem is simply not enough clean up crew. Rule of thumb is one cleaner for every gallon of water. So if you have a 150 gallon tank, you can see where the problem lies:)
  16. peggy


    Take heart, I'm happy to report that the one ***** store that carries marine fish in our area does an excellent job. The tanks are clean and not crowded, the fish appear to be healthy and the staff is very knowledable as they have their own saltwater acq. But I agree, bad store are there and...
  17. peggy

    Reg legged hermit snails

    Thomas - Thanks, will do
  18. peggy

    Reg legged hermit snails

    Thomas - LPS could not run test for iodine level. Losing the crabs started before I began adding iodine so not convinced this is the problem but I stopped adding it to see what happens. Ackermsb - Did not know that crabs molted. Thanks for the information. Thanks to everyone who responded to...
  19. peggy

    Reg legged hermit snails

    Booya - I do have blue-leg crabs. They seem to be doing fine. Thomas - I'm going to the LFS tomorrow after work so I will have them test the water for idodine and will let you know what I find out.
  20. peggy

    Reg legged hermit snails

    Thanks for the welcome. Glad to have found such a site. Adding iodine daily. I assume the salt is of good quality. The only brand sold at professional aquarium store where I purchase supplies. I mix the salt in a 30 gallon plastic bin. While there is an initial cloudiness of the salt being...