Search results

  1. demosthenes8

    Looking for a new filter & skimmer

    Hello all. I have a two year old 70 gallon reef tank and I need to replace the filter and possibly the skimmer. (We had a power surge that damaged some equipment. Fortunately, the tank lights weren't on at the time.) The tank is not drilled and I'm not much of a DIY type person. I've been...
  2. demosthenes8

    Green Brittle Star

    You never know with the clown fish, but they've co-existed peacfully in the tank for about a year. My little green torso still looks healthy and strong today. I spot fed him some live blood worms but he wasn't all that interested. Poor guy.
  3. demosthenes8

    Green Brittle Star

    I've had my starfish for about a year and he's always been active and healthy. When I woke up this morning, his arms were gone. He's basically a torso, albeit a healthy looking torso. I have a 55 gallon reef tank with very good and stable water parameters, seven fish, basic clean up crew, and...
  4. demosthenes8

    OT- How old is everyone here

    40 but after reading all the other ages, I feel about 82.
  5. demosthenes8

    How large do anemones get?

    Every ten days or so, I give it a little something such as frozen mysis, or live blood worms, or a little piece of shrimp. Even when I don't feed it, the clowns take it bits of whatever I feed them.
  6. demosthenes8

    How large do anemones get?

    I purchase a small sebae anemone about six months ago and after a difficult 2 month acclimation, he has finally found his home and he's been thriving. He went from bright white with short, nobby, purple-tipped tentacles to dark beige with long, flowing, purple-tipped tentacles and he looks...
  7. demosthenes8

    Hermit crab / anemone

    I see no sign of the shell this morning but the anenome looks quite a bit perkier. Thanks guys.
  8. demosthenes8

    Hermit crab / anemone

    Help. I just got back from dinner and looked in on the tank. My purple tipped sebae anemone looks very very still and it would appear that either a smallish hermit crab has crawled into its mouth (just the pointy tip is sticking out) or the anemone is trying to eat a hermit crab, shell and...
  9. demosthenes8


    I use super cheap sandwich bags.
  10. demosthenes8

    Fierce disgusting nasty smell

    You'll get there.
  11. demosthenes8

    Fierce disgusting nasty smell

    Hmmmm. I'm beginning to think tanks are slightly evil. I have gotten really good at fibbing to my husband. Ever time he says something along the lines of "Wow, that's a pretty coral, how much does something like that run?" I inevitably divide the real answer by two (and in some cases...
  12. demosthenes8

    Fierce disgusting nasty smell

    The smell was really strong in the water that shipped with the mushrooms and it seems to have taken over the tank water. One other interesting bit - my clowns absolutely love these 'shrooms. They've been bonding with them all day, doing that odd little ritual where they bite the rock really...
  13. demosthenes8

    Fierce disgusting nasty smell

    Greetings, I received a new lavender mushroom by overnight delivery yesterday, took it through a two hour acclimation, and placed it in a nice clean area in my tank. It smells bad. Really bad. Like a-gallon-of-sour-milk-settled-deep-in-wet-carpeting bad. (Those of you with kids know what I...
  14. demosthenes8

    Butterfly isn't eating

    I will give it a try. Many thanks!
  15. demosthenes8

    Butterfly isn't eating

    I just got back from the LFS and am armed with algae + clip, live brine, live blood worms (ew), frozen "finicky eater" squares, and garlic sauce. Blood worms don't like garlic sauce...
  16. demosthenes8

    Butterfly isn't eating

  17. demosthenes8

    Butterfly isn't eating

    I have a fairly peaceful tank. Clarkii clowns (2), royal gramma, coral beauty, orchid dottyback, and the butterfly. No one fights. No one even nips. There are also 3 emerald crabs, 4 peppermint shrimp, and a bunch of hermit crabs and snails. I tried dividing the tank by feeding on one...
  18. demosthenes8

    Butterfly isn't eating

    I've had freshwater fishies for years but am new to the saltwater variety. I have a six month old 55 gallon reef tank (lots of live rock and sand and 7 fish) and I recently introduced a rather docile copperband butterfly. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to want to eat with the other fish. She...
  19. demosthenes8

    Potentially injured coral beauty

    Will do. Thanks and happy new year!
  20. demosthenes8

    Potentially injured coral beauty

    It looks like there's a small scratch on her side. She's acting fairly normally especially when her dinner of live brine was served...