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  1. skakja

    dead naso

    Hey thanks everybody! Well to answer some questions, yes my tank is new it has only been cycled for about 2 weeks. And yes I do use a swing needle. Someone posted that the netting may also have stressed him, Is there a better way to get the fish out of the bag? Maybe I'll just be happy with my...
  2. skakja

    dead naso

    Acclimated 3 hours, I set bag in tank and slowly added my tank water a little at a time and then I netted him, careful not to get any store water in there. He started showing signs of distress about 18 hours after introduction. When my husband came home just now he checked the tank and said the...
  3. skakja

    dead naso

  4. skakja

    dead naso

    SO SAD! My first fish and it is dead within 24 hours. Any ideas? Naso tang, ph 8.2 ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 20 salinity 1.023 temp 78 Was swimming around yesterday after I put him in the tank and then today he just laid down on the bottom like he wasn't getting enough air. How can I tell...
  5. skakja

    Huma and Porcupine?

    :happy: Thanks all! I guess I need to rethink this.:notsure:
  6. skakja

    Huma and Porcupine?

  7. skakja

    Huma and Porcupine?

    Hey, I just recently added a clean-up crew to my new 100 gallon. 100lbs live rock, 60 lbs sand, hermit crabs, coral crab, emerald crab, serpant star, snails and 2 yellow tail damsels. I now want to add a huma and a porcupine and possible a maroon clown. So will the huma and porcupine eat my...
  8. skakja

    is anybody on that can help me right now?

    Hey thanks everybody! Any idea where I would find pictures to identify what is on this rock? :D
  9. skakja

    is anybody on that can help me right now?

    I just recevied 100 lbs of live rock for my new 100 galloon tank. It is in the boxes and I need to get it out. It is going straight into the tank to cure. Is there any steps I need to do before just putting it in the tank.
  10. skakja

    live rock live sand, new tank

    I already have uncured rock on the way. So I guess I'll just add the two at the same time. If anybody knows why this won't work please let me know.
  11. skakja

    live rock live sand, new tank

    Yes, I guess that is what I read. So I cure the rock and then add the sand?
  12. skakja

    live rock live sand, new tank

    Okay, I have read everything I can get my hands on and all is conflicting. i am setting up a 100 galloon tank. I will recieve my live rock next week and have bagged live sand now. Somethings I read say only to cycle live rock on a bare bottom tank others say to add live sand and live rock...
  13. skakja

    I need HELP!!!

    Thanks so much EVERYBODY. Will get busy now with all your suggestions.:)
  14. skakja

    I need HELP!!!

    Tnanks for helping. On my lighting box it say standard and VHO. Will that work?
  15. skakja


    Other than filters, what type of aeration system do I need?
  16. skakja

    I need HELP!!!

    This will be my first saltwater tank. The following items are what I have purchased.Will somebody please review these and let me know exactly what else I might need? I really would like to have a reef aquarium but I can not spend a lot more money so if I have to I can go fish only> 100 gal glass...