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  1. spyder

    Antenna Lion hurt

    Yes... I actually witnessed the Lemon go right after his eye... When I saw that happen I got the Lion out of there into a Q-tank. He hasn't eaten because he can't see. I gave him a live ghost shrimp and the shrimp crawled right up to his mouth and it seemed as though the lion didn't know it...
  2. spyder

    Antenna Lion hurt

    I've had an Antenna Lion in my tank for about a month now. I also have a Lemon Peel in there. The Lemon Peel has picked on the Lion a little bit, but the Lion would defend itslef. Well, yesterday it looks like the Lemon got the best of the Lion and went after his eyes. The Lion's eye's are...
  3. spyder

    Dwarf Angels

    I need confirmation from the list that I am correct on this. Last night at my LFS I was asking about a Half Black angel and if it would be alright with my Lemon Peel, too see what answer he would give me. Now, from everything I've read and been told, you should never try to put Dwarf Angels...
  4. spyder

    Problems with Koran

    He didn't make it. I got home last night from work and he did look a little better, after being in the hospital take for 24 hours. His color looked better and the white spots looked like they were starting to disappear, but he was still breathing heavy. I tested the water and the readings...
  5. spyder

    Problems with Koran

    I probably don't do water changes as often as I should. I do about 10% every 3-4 weeks. Water conditions are good. PH8-8.2 Am-0 trites-0 trates- 0-5. SG 1.023 and I keep the temp at 77. I am using a Prizm skimmer. When he was eating I was feeding him Frozen brine, formaula 1, and formaula 2...
  6. spyder

    Problems with Koran

    I have had a Juv. Koran for about 8 months now and has been doing fine up until about 2 weeks ago. About 2 weeks ago he decide not to eat any more. I got a bit worried that he stopped eating, but his condition and health looked fine. Yesterday he did not look good at all. Breathing heavy, a few...
  7. spyder

    Problems with Koran

    I have had a Juv. Koran for about 8 months now and has been doing fine up until about 2 weeks ago. About 2 weeks ago he decide not to eat any more. I got a bit worried that he stopped eating, but his condition and health looked fine. Yesterday he did not look good at all. Breathing heavy, a...
  8. spyder

    Lemonpeel Angel?

    I have had a Lemon Peel for almost a year now and he has done fine since I put him in the tank. I have him with a Koran (which people say you should not mix Angels together) and a Maroon clown. Have never had problems with them. I feed him frozen brine, formula 1, and formula 2. He has been...
  9. spyder

    Dogface Injured

    Well... it almost been a week and he is looking good. No signs of being injured except the slight outline of a circle where the PW got him. He looks like he is going to do fine.
  10. spyder

    Dogface Injured

    Yes, I am keeping the powerhead off for now. It does have a "type" of prefilter, but it is a cone with an open end instead of the other types you usually see with a cap with a bunch on slits in it. I may just take this PH out of the tank. I do have two other smaller ones in the tank with the...
  11. spyder

    Dogface Injured

    I put a new Dogface Puffer in my tank this past weekend and he has been doing great. Well something happened tonight. He must have gotten curious and started playing around the powerhead and got stuck to it. I am not sure how long he was stuck to it, but I know it was not more than 15 minutes...
  12. spyder

    Dogface or Golden Puffer

    Its gotta be a dogface then, but it threw me off by how much yellow it has in it. My lfs is pretty good, but I have seen them mis-name some of their fish.
  13. spyder

    Dogface or Golden Puffer

    I went to my lfs yesterday to find a new fish to add to my tank... They had a really good looking Pork Puffer and Dogface (at least that's what they told me it was)... it too thought it was a dog face. But I was looking as some pics on different websites and the fish I got looks more like a...
  14. spyder

    Koran with a cloudy eye

    I have a juvenile Koran that has been in my tank for about 3 weeks now. He has looked very heathly and active since I got him. Yesterday when I got home from work I noticed one of his eyes is very cloudy, almost all white. What may have caused this and what can I do to help it? Thanks, Tim