Search results

  1. paige

    What are they?

    Thanks for your reply. I was off doing the search for 'white things' and such while you posted. I guess my first instinct was to panic. I recently moved my tanks and lost my cleaner shrimp and strawberry basslet. I think everything is all settled down now. From what I have seen in picures on...
  2. paige

    What are they?

    My tank has been set up for over 8 months now. This morning when I turned the light on there's all these tiny white things clining to the sides of the glass. At first glance they look like large grains of salt sticking to the sides. After looking more closely at them, I noticed they were alive...
  3. paige

    First signs of algae

    After admiring my tank for about 20 minutes, I noticed an ever-so-tiny patch of green algae and brown algae finally growing. The lfs said that it would be safe to add new fish as soon as I see algae. Does this mean the cycle is complete?
  4. paige

    I need help, I just started

    Originally posted by ajroc31 I think that you should get rid of the cc while you still can. I would suggest that you go with sand. CC will cause your phosphate and nitrate build-up. the cloudiness will be there for few days so don't worry. Why do lfs tell you that you need CC if it is so bad...
  5. paige

    mr.yellow tang's diet?

    Go ahead kip, say what you had on your mind because it is not known by the newbies. I also wanted to add a yellow tang in the future.
  6. paige

    QT too small?

    Since my main tank is not very big, I will not be adding very many fish in the first place. However, I want to know if a 5 1/2 gal tank is too small to set up for QT. Even if the fish is only there a short period of time, seems to me it would be better than just putting him right into the main...
  7. paige

    Damsel Died

    I had another sample of water tested at the lfs today. They said it looks ok to them. I guess I am a little cautious since I lost that Damsel this morning. She said there wasn't really any levels that were too bad off. Thanks for all of the help. I feel silly with some of the things I ask...
  8. paige

    Damsel Died

    Be patient with me on this one. I am still new to saltwater. I have had a freshwater tank all of my life. I decided it was time for something new so I went to saltwater. I have crushed coral, Regent Aqua-Tech 20-40 Power Filter (I used when the tank was freshwater), and a 20w fluorescent bulb...
  9. paige

    Damsel Died

    You guys here are great, by the way. I just wanted to let you all know that.
  10. paige

    Damsel Died

    I know adding the tomato was bad... now! I did not find this forum until later on the day I added it. :nervous: But he's in there now, and I'd like to find a way to keep him from dieing if at all possible.
  11. paige

    Damsel Died

    My tank has been set up for 16 days now, with 3 damsels (for 13 days) and a tomato clown (for a week). The smallest/weakest looking damsel died this morning. It did not look very healthy to me from the beginning. The nitrites seem to be on the rise. It appears to be between .5 and 1.0 (using the...
  12. paige

    Completed Cycle??

    I took a sample of water to the lfs and had it tested today. They said everything looks really good right now. The ph was running a bit low but the 'expert' that runs the place told me that it was probably because I am in the middle of the cycle. I don't have any live rock in there yet. Is it...
  13. paige

    Completed Cycle??

    I forgot to add, I needed to know how I would tell when it's completed the cycle.
  14. paige

    Completed Cycle??

    I figured I had better post my own thread for help instead of adding to someone elses. My tank was set up on 12-28. I added 3 damsels on 12-31. I posted the other night about adding the Tomato Clown. Someone suggested that I try and take it back to the lfs where I got it. My husband was totally...
  15. paige


    Tank was set up on 12-28. I added 3 damsels on 12-31. I posted the other night about adding the Tomato Clown. You suggested that I try and take it back to the lfs where I got it. My husband was totally against that so I need to do anything I can to prevent losing it. So far it's doing just fine...
  16. paige


    How do you know for sure if your tank has cycled?
  17. paige

    Take my poll, pwease? *Puppy Eyes*

    In Alabama every kind of soda is 'coke'. But here's nother funny one about the gap in the languages. We went to Orlando last year and we ran out of 'bath cloths' (at least that's what it's called down there, little did I know) I ran into one of the maids in the elevator and told her we needed...
  18. paige

    I'm Not Ordering Online Again

    Originally posted by 007 Have you ever been i outside in weather where its so cold that your nose hairs freeze as you inhale and your ears burn? THATS what it feels like outside today! That gave me one heck of a good laugh there. They have issued a 'winter weather advisery' tonight here for...
  19. paige

    New Tank

    LFS is Pet Depot. Probably not the best place to deal with since they are part of a chain but it's the only fish store that we have within 40 miles. Anyone had any dealings with them? So forget the shrimp and just leave the Damsels? Thanks
  20. paige

    New Tank

    Ok, I wish I had of found this forum about 8 hours ago. My tank will be set up 2 weeks this Sunday. I put 3 Damsels in there on Tuesday of last week. My kids were driving me crazy about getting a 'Nemo' fish so I went and bought a Tomato Clown today. Now I am reading this about the amonia...