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  1. shrkbait

    Bang, Squidd....Anyone who can answer this..Please

    would there be a large source of carbon dioxide in your tank that has occured in the last month? Just a thought. The possibility is highly unlikely, but high co2 will dissolve calcium and raise your calcium levels. You would probaly have bad ph and alk levels as well. Since your ph is ok, its...
  2. shrkbait

    no more royal grammas for me

    Originally posted by CindySki thats what i used, yellow tails, still turned out to be nasty My yellow tail turned out to be real nasty as well. Killed a clown. I put another damsel 3 times his size in there to let him pick on someone his own size. Well, he was kicking the big ones but in no...
  3. shrkbait

    Bang, Squidd....Anyone who can answer this..Please

    sounds like your doing evryting right. THat is a mystrery.
  4. shrkbait

    Bang, Squidd....Anyone who can answer this..Please

    are you adding any reef supplements or calcium buffer supplements? What type of water are you using in your salt mix or replacement water for evaportation purposes?
  5. shrkbait

    QUICK HELP please.....

    Place a micron bag in the filtering cycle and it should clear up in an hour or so. Thats if you can put one in the cycle of course.
  6. shrkbait


    Where is the brown algae growing? To answer your question..."yes" the brown stuff is part of the initial cycles of a new tank and should go away in a month or so. If you feed your tank too much, your nutrient levels will go up and cause an algae bloom. Also, your replacement water and top off...
  7. shrkbait

    collection cup

    I looked online at the skimmer and it says it has a "true flow meter". Is the meter reading properly? You may have to adjust the amount of air infusion to get the level just right. That will make a big difference. HTH
  8. shrkbait

    Salifert for Dummies??

    Go for the first blue on the test. I usually put another drop or two of reagent-3 to make sure that I have put enough in. Are you using a level spoon of reagent-2 ? If you put too much in, your readings could be reading way too high. (I dont know how the chemical reaction takes place, but I...
  9. shrkbait

    Salifert for Dummies??

    Calcium and Alk work in reverse order usually. What are you using for your water changes? High Alk usually constitutes Low Calcium and visa versa. Your adding nothing to the water at all? That is strange. I think its your water changes. Are you using tap water?
  10. shrkbait

    do you think...

    convince them by showing them that you did your research. There is a lot of startup issues. Once that is over you should be fine though.
  11. shrkbait

    Salifert for Dummies??

    Salifert will probably give you a similar reading not much different. If you are under 40 ppm...dont worry. Good point elf Still wondering...ciso, are you adding a calcium supplement to your water? What other things are you doing to it? Just curious because Im in the stage of doing stuff to my...
  12. shrkbait

    Salifert for Dummies??

    You need a new nitrate kit. Once they go bad like yours has...they are no good. Salifert is fine type or the doc wellfish. You just need a rough estimate of how much is in there. Doc wellfish measures incramints(cant spell) of 10 ppm. Only problem is that it is a color read type test. I like...
  13. shrkbait

    Salifert for Dummies??

    Sorry elf but I disagree....Carefully read the instructions and you will see the warning ..."There will be some air present just below the piston(sound familiar?). This is the air present between the end of the plastic tip and piston. THIS WILL NOT INFLUENCE THE TEST RESULT. Use the bottom of...
  14. shrkbait

    What's done is done (but still curious... book alert, "My SW Life Story")

    I had a damsel kill my first clown. So I totally think it was your damsel also. No doubt about that.
  15. shrkbait

    What's done is done (but still curious... book alert, "My SW Life Story")

    i might not understand what you mean by start over. If it means starting from scratch rock and all. Dont do it. But I think you already know this. Start with less agressive fish and after they are comfortable and have been in there a month or two. Then add some meaner fish if you like. HTH
  16. shrkbait

    What's done is done (but still curious... book alert, "My SW Life Story")

    if I understand correctly...your damsel was causing fish to die so you are going to start all over? Get rid of the damsel. If you dont have enough biological filtration(e.g. Live rock), look into it. LR can be quite pricey but well worth it. You only need 20-40 lbs. With rock you have a...
  17. shrkbait

    ah cloudy water wont go away

    What is your calcium,PH, and ALK levels? Is your skimmer working over time? or is it normal? You may have stuff precipitating out of the water. I added too much calcium once and it got real foggy. Usually you will have a film on the glass though. Just a thought. Skimmer...something might have...
  18. shrkbait

    help please

    if your tang is only 2"-3" you could get away with putting him into the 10 gall...problem is it would need to cycle first. To get a real quick quarantine up... -Use a mesh bag used for media and place some Live Sand from your display into it=instant bio filter. You can take a small piece of LR...
  19. shrkbait

    New Hobbyist - Tank & Fish Questions

    Originally posted by Real The answers I've recieved here have given me a few giant steps in the right direction as far as where i want to go with my future tank. My general outline of very random things: -I'd like a 55gal. tank -It will be FOWLR until I feel the system is confident enough to...
  20. shrkbait

    My clownfish is gone

    Need specs on the tank. How old is it and what are the water parameters. We can help but we need something to work with. A lot of knowledge is needed to understand how saltwater tanks work. Dont be intimidated...just take it slow...very slow, and you'll enjoy every minute of it. I can almost...