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  1. pate2929

    Super Glue

    Mine is a all glass top, it has a smaller opening in the front you pick up on to access the tank and the back glass stays stationary. it is hinged very nice but the little handle on top had that sticky glue like stuff and it wore out and the little handle came loose, its a marineland.
  2. pate2929

    Super Glue

    well on top of the glass was a small clear plastic piece you grab to lift up the front of the glass hood
  3. pate2929

    Super Glue

    Would it be ok to superglue my handle back on the top glass the chemicals wont poison my tank if it dries good before i put it back.
  4. pate2929

    FINALLY got the last damsel out

    I tried for an hour or so then gave up, i hired my kids to do the job they enjoyed it:)
  5. pate2929

    Filter change

    How often should the filters be changed? mine have only been in a month and are really dirty. I have a emporer 400 and a skilter 400
  6. pate2929

    How long?

    Sorry but i do not know what ro/di stands for:)
  7. pate2929

    How long?

    Yes i am using tap water what if i bought and used a pur water purifier the kind that fits on your kitchen sink? the algae is showing up everyhere
  8. pate2929

    How long?

    How long does the brown algae last? my tank has been up and going since january, my water conditions are really good but the algae has been growing for a couple of months i have crabs and snails and a sand sifting star any suggestions? clean up crew or?
  9. pate2929

    dried seaweed

    thank you
  10. pate2929

    dried seaweed

    Hello i have been feeding my two tangs dried seaweed every other day for two weeks now. Is this enough food for them?
  11. pate2929

    something new

    Send it on
  12. pate2929

    Where do i go

    OK here goes, i would like to keep feather dusters and pink tip anemonies,and soft corals the more harty variety.i have around 75# of live rock now. the reason i say more harty is my wife will have to tend to my hobbie while im gone (military) i live in northeast tennessee i was thinking more...
  13. pate2929

    Where do i go

    Where do i go to get lighting for a 75 gallon aquarium it is 48 inch long im looking to support anemonies and corals,i need somewhere that is resonable in price and quality and somewhere that will give me an option for oak cover.any help will be great i just wasted over 100$ on a light today...
  14. pate2929

    something new

    Thanks thomas:) Now my question is where can i get what i need for as little as possible, i guess my main concern is the overall health of my system.
  15. pate2929

    something new

    the lights are really bright and they sure do heat up my glass you are right they are 40 watt bulbs. would 160 watts be enough to support these creatures if so i can buy another, to go with the one i bought
  16. pate2929

    something new

    actually the numbers on the bulb are f40t10 and the balast looks pretty big not as big as a brick.
  17. pate2929

    something new

    ok it is a marineland perfect a strip double bright aquarium reflector with two eclipse florescent lamps 48 inches but it doesnt say the wattage the bulbs are eclipse natural daylight i had planned on replacing those with actanic bulbs next time i feel like getting shafted by my lfs:)
  18. pate2929

    something new

    How do you tell the wattage of the bulbs and fixture it doesnt say on the bulbs or on the banister,now im getting hot i spent a lot of money and it sounds like i did not get what i needed:thinking:
  19. pate2929

    something new

    today i bought a new 48 inch light strip with double lights. it is very bright. Will this be sufficient to support anemonies and corals my old strip had one light.
  20. pate2929

    sand sifting star

    So what do you get to help clean your sand bed.