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  1. jaspian

    Help! New corals....

    Got some corals this weekend and notice 3 arms swaying out of a hole on the rock.... light bluish with bands... looking closely I figured it was a tiny baby starfish.... today I see this same thing coming out of holes in another coral rock I bought at the same place and same time..... I cant see...
  2. jaspian

    Ick!! Help

    How do I do this????.... since i cant get to a store this late. I have a rubbermaid tub.
  3. jaspian

    Ick!! Help

    I think its ick... got a flasher wrasse 2 days ago and he seems to have ick today..... tang and angelfish ok right now.... i went to the store and guy gave me "Quick Cure ick treatment"... but package says add to bare tank.... guy told me to put in tank..... I have feather dusters and...
  4. jaspian

    Brown spots on Tang.. help!

    Just checked Tang again and spots are mostly gone. What is this?
  5. jaspian

    Brown spots on Tang.. help!

    This morning I noticed my Whitecheek Tang has tiny (they range in size) brown(kinda purpleish) spots all over him (mostly running dorsal from head to tail and 1 or 2 on dorsal fin)... they are not raised.. kinda look like a bruise/attack bite... but nothing in the tank to cause it. He's very...
  6. jaspian

    Tang nipping at inverts

    I noticed lately that my feather dusters have been staying inside their tube more... then I notice my Whitecheek tang nipping at them a lot. One feather duster I havent seen open for 2 days.. the other seems fine. What should i do?
  7. jaspian

    Just wondering...

    Had a small problem... tank was going along perfect 2months... did a large water change to try and get nitrates ultra low so I could get the reef going... but cause a slight ammonia/nitrite spike (1 week now).... still waiting for it to come down... will anything help speed this up or do you...
  8. jaspian

    Skimmer question

    thanks it was clogged
  9. jaspian

    Skimmer question

    I got a skimmer (Big Mombasa) from a friend. I works great but I have trouble adjusting it to the water level line. And when i shut it off to empty the cup since the water level is higher than it should be itll overflow when i turn it back on. I dont understand... could this be the pump...
  10. jaspian


    Yeah i have a skimmer running.... had some trouble adjusting it today... it just decided to let the water level rise... but its working well for removing junk. I have a float hydrometer (coralife one)
  11. jaspian


    Also.... the guy at the LFS said my nitrates were 10ppm (I was getting 20ppm) so I bought a new test kit (same brand I had and he used) and the new kit is reading 5ppm. I dont know what to believe. And also he told me my salinity was reading 0.027 so I thought that was the problem since my...
  12. jaspian


    My rock lost a lot of color during the cycle but now they are covered in brown fuzz and there are two areas that are a distinct rust color.
  13. jaspian


    Had my water tested... ammonia and nitrite are bumped slightly from 0 but my test kit is messed up for the nitrates... they are about 5 and my test kit was saying over 20.... so i messed my tank up temporarily for nothing... hopefully itll get back on track soon. I was told to use carbon to get...
  14. jaspian


    Im sure I sent it into cycle again since reading are the same today.... :-( so im not gonna touch it... maybe go get lots of plants today. I have used the same test kit all along so I know i screwed it up. I am just concerned for my fish and inverts. Will they be ok while just is running...
  15. jaspian


    Frustrated with no options..... I did yet another water change yesterday... had to .. nitrates were like 40ppm.... now today ammonia and nitrite bumped up a bit and nitrates just over 20ppm.... what can I do??????... I am about to just drain the stupid tank. I put cycle in this morning when i...
  16. jaspian

    Starfish ok??

    Really..... well do all brittles eat "everything" in the tank.... they wont hunt my fish/hermits will they????
  17. jaspian

    Starfish ok??

    Wondering if I could get a brittle scar in my tank to help clean... my nitrates run between 10 and 20ppm.. working on getting that down... Would these nitrates be too high for the starfish???
  18. jaspian

    More live sand???

    56 lbs for 54gal
  19. jaspian


    Yeah Im due for another water change... its like every two days now.... they are at 30 now... was 20 yesterday... 15 after last water change.... whatever i can do let me know... maybe add more sand or some chemicals... Structure - 54 gal corner 55 lbs Fiji live rock 20 lbs live sand 40 lb...
  20. jaspian

    More live sand???

    I have about 2 1/2 inches live sand/substrate mix... tank up for 2 months.... will adding more live sand benefit me at all to help keep nitrates low??? Can I just go buy more live sand and toss it in my tank??? I dont want to mess up anything here... all my levels are perfect except for...