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  1. cbrynolf

    Yellow Tang acting Funny HELP NOW!!!!

    No offense but, if I say they are normal then they are normal ranges! What part of normal do you not understand? Salinity 1.023 Temp 79 deg. ph 8.2 nitrate 0 Ammonia 0 Nitrate 0 I have had these parameters for since I started this tank in January of 2004, with the exception of the salinity...
  2. cbrynolf

    Yellow Tang acting Funny HELP NOW!!!!

    I am feeding it Green Algae Seaweed Salad, Formula two and Brine shrimp plus both by Ocean Nutrition. I do have a grounding probe. Water conditions are normal. No signs of lateral line disease ick or any other disease. He seems fine today and has just eaten. I really thought he was a gonner...
  3. cbrynolf

    Yellow Tang acting Funny HELP NOW!!!!

    Well its been about 2 hours now and he seem fine now. He ate very well and he is now moving like a tang should and seems to have regained control of his swimming. He literaly almost went belly up for a moment and actuall was lying head first in the sand against the glass for a moment too...
  4. cbrynolf

    Yellow Tang acting Funny HELP NOW!!!!

    Came home and yellow tank is having difficutly swimming. Not moving very well at all. No visible signs of any trauma or disease. Water parameters good. Any ideas???? He is eating though. The food has seemed to perk him up a little. I feed him once a day. HELP??? Chris
  5. cbrynolf

    Glass cracks

    They are definitely only on the inside and are hair line only. The only thing I can think of is maybe I scratched the inside with my algea scrapper.
  6. cbrynolf

    Glass cracks

    I have a 55g and just notice some hair line cracks(scratches). I stock my algea scrapper in there and could feel the cracks as I move the algae scrapper across them. 2 are about 3 inches long and one is about 2 inches all are concentrated in one area about 4-5 inches off the bottom. I just...
  7. cbrynolf

    Cleaner shrimp ate the other Cleaner???

    He's definitely gone and he was definitely being devoured. Thanks for your input! Anyone else have this happen. Chris
  8. cbrynolf

    Cleaner shrimp ate the other Cleaner???

    Hi, When I got home tonight, I found that one of my cleaner shrimp had the other one half eaten and is continuing to devour him. I haven't look at them since last night but everything was fine then. I do have red legged hermit crabs and don't know if they had anything to do with it. All I can...
  9. cbrynolf

    Turbo Twist UV- What kind of powerhead to run it?

    Cincyreefer Help! Maybe they changed the penguin 550 but I can't even get 5/8 ID tubing around the outlet of the powerhead let alone trying to use 1/2". Any ideas? Chris
  10. cbrynolf

    Turbo Twist UV- What kind of powerhead to run it?

    Cool, Now I just have to wait for my penguin 550 powerhead and the 1/2 tubing. Thanks! Chris
  11. cbrynolf

    Turbo Twist UV- What kind of powerhead to run it?

    CINCYREEFER, How do you have it all connected? Does the powerhead push water through the sterilizer our pull water through the sterilizer? Thanks! Chris
  12. cbrynolf

    Automatic fish feeder recommedations?

    Looking at a automatic fish feeder when on vacation or gone for a couple of days? What models do you all have and would you recommend them? Thanks! Chris
  13. cbrynolf

    Turbo Twist UV- What kind of powerhead to run it?

    Any one out there have a turbo twist UV sterilizer? If so what are you using to pump the water? What powerheads are recommended for use with this unit? Thanks! Chris
  14. cbrynolf

    recomended protein skimmer for a 55 gal

    Try the Red Sea Prizm skimmer. a little noisy though I have nothing to compare it too. Pulls all of the nastiest little stuff out of the water. Really works great, just have to adjust every once in a while. Chris
  15. cbrynolf

    installing a grounding probe????

    I just bought a Ultra titanium grounding probe by Ultralife Reef products. The directions say to attach suction cup above water line. Ok but my water line is almost at the very top just above the black trim piece. And it says to attach eyelet to a ground that is above water level. How can I...
  16. cbrynolf

    QT Size?

    Any recommendations on a quarantine tank size for new fish? I was thinking of just getting one of those mini-bow 5 gallon all in one thingamajiggies. Thanks! C
  17. cbrynolf

    Hypo duration?

    I have been in hypo for 26 days since the last visible sign of ich. I was planning on being in hypo for another 7-10 days. What is the recommended duration for hypo? Thanks! Chris
  18. cbrynolf

    More than one Dwarf Angel?

    Any one have more than one dwarf angel in there tank and what size tank do you have? I am thinking of getting both a flame angel and a coral beauty angel. Along with adding a yellow tang. I have a 55g. As a general rule I have heard only on dwarf per tank unless its a big tank. Would like...
  19. cbrynolf

    In Hypo - Fish swollen - Help?

    here you hard to tell from a pic. I will see if I can get a better one
  20. cbrynolf

    In Hypo - Fish swollen - Help?

    I am currently in hypo salinity at a reading of about 1.009 Have two fish left, lost 3 to disease caused by stress of ich. One never showed any signs of any ich or disease(three striped damsel) the other is a clown who was looking really bad but since hypo treatment and marcyn plus he looks as...