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  1. twoharts

    Chromis question

    :eek: I would never , never again get a gold striped Chromis. Oh, sure its a pretty little fish but when it grows up it looses its colors and becomes quite dull. But the worst part is its the DEVIL with fins. I have read (and belive) that if you have a Gold strip Chromis and a Shark in...
  2. twoharts

    Whats the diff between fuge vs sump?

    Hi. I have been reading this file for a while now and i have a question. Some of you say " you need a fuge set " and other "you need a sump set up" Whats the difference?:notsure:
  3. twoharts

    buying the right sand

    HI dicemanj I called the Southdown Company and asked them where I can get their product. They said "they sell to Home Depot, Lowes and also check with Ace Hardware," They also said "they market it under the name of ":: Yard Right Dura Skate Old castle ANd SouthDown I hope this helps as I am...
  4. twoharts

    Crushed Coral , want to get rid of it.

    :) Thank you very much. I printed out the instructions and will gather up the materials I need. I am having a difficult time finding Southdown sand or Yard right or Newcastle. My local Home Depot does not carry it. I have found play sand by Quick Crete however looking over the bag I can not...
  5. twoharts

    Crushed Coral , want to get rid of it.

    :) Thank you very much. I printed out the instructions and will gather up the materials I need. I am having a difficult time finding Southdown sand or Yard right or Newcastle. My local Home Depot does not carry it. I have found play sand by Quick Crete however looking over the bag I can not...
  6. twoharts

    Crushed Coral , want to get rid of it.

    Let me say thanks for the responces. I sent my LFS a e-mail this morning and asked her to order the Seaclone 100 skimmer for me. I am going on vacation and I will be able to pick it up when I get back. Saving my water is a good idea, and I will use it. I have about 75 lb of live rock and...
  7. twoharts

    Crushed Coral , want to get rid of it.

    Let me say thanks for the responces. I sent my LFS a e-mail this morning and asked her to order the Seaclone 100 skimmer for me. I am going on vacation and I will be able to pick it up when I get back. Saving my water is a good idea, and I will use it. I have about 75 lb of live rock and...
  8. twoharts

    Crushed Coral , want to get rid of it.

    Hi I have a 55 gal reef set up. It has been up and running for 1 year now. But like every one else in this string I can not get my nitrates down and I have CC base. I was wondering if every time I did a water change I sucked out the CC not disturding the silt thats just under the surface...
  9. twoharts

    Crushed Coral , want to get rid of it.

    Hi I have a 55 gal reef set up. It has been up and running for 1 year now. But like every one else in this string I can not get my nitrates down and I have CC base. I was wondering if every time I did a water change I sucked out the CC not disturding the silt thats just under the surface...
  10. twoharts

    need help with live sand

    Hi, I would like to change out my crushed corolite for the Live sand. My problem is that the tank has been up and running for a year now and I would not want to disturb it. Does any one know of a way to add the sand without taking out all the live rock and my corals too?:notsure: Many thanks...