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  1. djultra

    In the mood to see some mushrooms, post away everyone!

    Red Pimple / Blue Strip
  2. djultra


    Here's a nice shot of my scolymia under moon lights (No photoshop)
  3. djultra


    I see that you put Christmas tree lights up. Are you trying to light the tank at night to see or are you trying to emulate the moon cycle. If the moon cycle is what your after the lights need to be blue at 470nm. I'm not sure if the Christmas tree lights do that.
  4. djultra


    It depend on the transformer and led. I assume that in the picture you are running the lights in series.
  5. djultra


    I use three of the 100 degree triple led lights that I got from Autolumination they are $5.00 each and all you reed is a 12 volt transformer. Also they are waterproof
  6. djultra

    building a stand for 90 gal

    I would also check all your connections and hoses maybe something is kinked
  7. djultra

    building a stand for 90 gal

    Originally Posted by annanymous 1/3 of the tank is filled up, substrate in place and 60 lb of base rock are already in the tank. lately i have notied my RO/DI unit keeps getting slower and slower. i only had it for a bout 1/2 a year. in the beginning it only took it about 11 1/2 hrs to fill up...
  8. djultra

    building a stand for 90 gal

    you are referring to the pump itself that is in the above photo. In my sump I have my overflow drain and skimmer on one side of the sump and then my return pump is on the other side with a tank divider/screen and live rock piled up to help with biological filtration and micro bubbles
  9. djultra

    building a stand for 90 gal

    Pile live rock around it, this will also help with micro bubbles
  10. djultra

    building a stand for 90 gal

    Is your tank a all glass reef ready
  11. djultra

    Custom Aquarium Controls

    Benter, I'm interested in having you build something for me please email me and I can send you the specs I want. djultra at comcast dot net
  12. djultra

    building a stand for 90 gal

    Originally Posted by annanymous plumbing is really hard!!! im really mixed up about what im doing, but hopefully it will al be over soon and i can sit back and enjoy my tank...skimmer coming wensday, base rock coming in this thursday. Let us know what you are having problems with and maybe we...
  13. djultra

    Water Changes

    Originally Posted by sik72 hey djultra where did you get the thing????? and how does that work?? :help: Your LFS should be able to get it for you or you can purchase it online at any of the online fish stores. It works great no phosphates and my water is crystal clear
  14. djultra

    Water Changes

    Originally Posted by jester805 Sorry to be stupid...but what's a "Carbon and phosphate reactor?" :notsure: I use one for carbon and one for phosphate by linking them together in my sump.
  15. djultra

    Water Changes

    I run a carbon and phosphate reactor 24/7 and still do a 10% water change every week with no problems. You should be able to do a 10% every 2 weeks with no problems.
  16. djultra

    building a stand for 90 gal

    annanymous, Did you say you are waiting to have the tank drilled. If so where are you putting it and what size hole.
  17. djultra

    building a stand for 90 gal

    nluchau, Thank you if you need any pointers let me know.
  18. djultra

    building a stand for 90 gal

    Originally Posted by annanymous hey, djultra... how many gallons is that tank ?...29g? it looks really good...great the stand and canopy nluchau is right it's a 75 with a 55 under the stand as a sump
  19. djultra

    building a stand for 90 gal

    Nice DIY stand and canopy. Your design was alot like the one I built. Nice job