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  1. hellspawn

    Easiest to clean canister filter?

    Just wanted to know what people's opinion on what the easiest to clean canister filter is. Thanks!
  2. hellspawn

    difference between Magnum 350 Deluxe and Pro?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but are the differences between the Magnum 350 Deluxe and Pro canister filter packages? And is there any easier-to-clean canister filter than this one? thanks!
  3. hellspawn

    Help me id this plz. maybe a sponge?

    Thanks! Are they beneficial in any way?
  4. hellspawn

    Help me id this plz. maybe a sponge?

    Found this stuff growin in a shady area behind my LR in a couple places, Some white, some off-white. Is it some kind of sponge maybe? Is it harmful or beneficial in any way? Thanks in advance!
  5. hellspawn

    algae attacking my plate coral

    So my tang kicked up some sand on my plate coral and it receded to the middle of it's skeleton. Before I knew what happened, algae covered the white skeleton part of the plate so now it has algae growing all around the dges and it's not lookin so good. It was doin very well before this occured...
  6. hellspawn

    purple sea star always on my xenia colony, is it ok?

    I find my purple sea star on my xenia colony about once a day or every other day, and for the last month my xenia has not fully extended, or the polyps have shrunk. Is the sea sar damaging my xenia?
  7. hellspawn

    Xenia Help

    hmm I have some xenia that's not doin so hot either, was fine for several months, but not it barely opens anymore... everything else is doin fine in my tank as well.
  8. hellspawn

    90 gal dream tank

    If it were me I would go with a combo of either: triggers, eels, tangs, harlequin tusk, and angels or sharks, eels, lions, harlequin tusk, and tangs A 90 limits your sharks, however, as only a coral or marble cat shark would remain small enough (avg of 40-50cm). Still smallish for a shark, but...
  9. hellspawn

    considering coral/marbled shark: (gasguzzler and others with experience plz advise)

    lilstrup, plz keep your pointless posts off my thread unless u have something helpful to contribute, u have been the last poster on every single thread in this forum for the sole pathetic reason of rasing your postcount. If anyone would care to address my initial questions it would be appreciated.
  10. hellspawn

    blue chin trigger

    garlic-dipped foods can help initiate feeding with some new fish, might be worth a shot.
  11. hellspawn

    I did it

    Originally posted by JULIUS It was hard but I got rid of the 2 triggers and the scorpionfish to go community... I assume you traded the triggers so that you can get community fish. I have a niger in my tank with 8 other community fish and no problems. The niger is quite a non-aggressive...
  12. hellspawn

    considering coral/marbled shark: (gasguzzler and others with experience plz advise)

    anyone else have experience with marbles or corals?
  13. hellspawn

    bamboo with small triggers

    If you do a search, you will find that everyone with experience says that when the triggers get larger, they will start to pick at the shark, and eventually kill it. Triggers apparently like the cartilage that is found in sharks. The same goes for angels and puffers.
  14. hellspawn

    considering coral/marbled shark: (gasguzzler and others with experience plz advise)

    thanks for the response! So I could keep a marble and a coral togther in an 80? That would be sweetness. Would you happen to know of any places on the internet with pictures, or could you possibly post some pictures of your own? I have seen hardly any pics of marble or coral cats.
  15. hellspawn

    considering coral/marbled shark: (gasguzzler and others with experience plz advise)

    I've always known I didn't have enough room for a bamboo shark, but I was browsing some threads last night and ran aross this post from gasguzzler: Originally posted by gasguzzler Do not buy a shark if you have less than 180 gallons of water, unless you want a coral catshark, which would be...
  16. hellspawn

    HELP: Think coral beauty attacky my scooter

    scooter blenny isn't a blenny though, it's a dragonette.
  17. hellspawn

    HELP: Think coral beauty attacky my scooter

    I had him about 2 weeks. He didn't eat any of the flake or brine shrimp I offered, but he didn't get skinny. he just cruised around the live rock and sifted through the sand, so make sure you have pretty well established sand and LR. My tank's only been up like 1 1/2 months, but I have pods...
  18. hellspawn

    HELP: Think coral beauty attacky my scooter

    The scooter didn't make it, my first loss Poor guy just wasted away and went into shock.
  19. hellspawn

    HELP: Think coral beauty attacky my scooter

    My scooter is missing a large chuck of it's dorsal fin. It's all frayed in the back and there is a tiny wond on his back. I know it wasn't my ocellaris clowns or my lawnmower blenny, so it has to be my coral beauty, who I also suspect of killing my emerald crab :mad: The beauty is the only fish...