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  1. p fish

    New 10 gal Desktop Bow Front

    No they were in the 6 gal cube for about a year
  2. p fish

    New 10 gal Desktop Bow Front

    yep natural bio
  3. p fish

    New 10 gal Desktop Bow Front

    I had a 6 gal Fluval Cude on my night stand in my bed room that I transferred into this 10 gal Bowfront.
  4. p fish

    Powder Blue and Powder Brown together

    Thanks Tangs Rules. I have the same as u except purple. Will take your advice, they are in my 300g, will keep u posted.
  5. p fish

    Powder Blue and Powder Brown together

    Has anyone successfully kept both powder brown and blue together? If so what the secret?
  6. p fish

    Grand Rapids Michigan

    I'm heading to Grand Rapids Michigan and wanted to know if anyone can recommend any Salt Water stores in the area?
  7. p fish

    Upgrading to 300g Profecto

    @guyDude. Thanks for all your help. I'm not doing mine until next week after the holiday so I do have time. So it would be nice to hear how yours turn, out so could you keep me posted. Thanks again.
  8. p fish

    Upgrading to 300g Profecto

    That's the way I was thinking about doing as well but I'm concerned with causing a cycle of the tank by going from the 72 and 90 to the 300g. Could some tell me if that will cause a cycle. Both the 72 and the 90 are full of rock and sand with corals.
  9. p fish

    Upgrading to 300g Profecto

    Yes I'm getting the reef ready starfire. I just thought there was something negative I needed to know about this Profecto tank that I didn't know. That's why I asked the question. I have two smaller reefs (72 bow/90g) that I'm going to combine into on big reef. Any advise on best options on...
  10. p fish

    Copper Tank and Rock

    Around 300 lbs. Thanks for the advice
  11. p fish

    Copper Tank and Rock

    Quick question, is there anyway I can save and reuse rock from a tank that had copper
  12. p fish

    Upgrading to 300g Profecto

    Please explain the "kiss your $ down the drain" comment?
  13. p fish

    Upgrading to 300g Profecto

    I'm getting ready to upgrade to a 300g Profecto. Does anyone know of any pros and cons of this tank?
  14. p fish

    Tiny White Starfish

    I'm starting to see tiny white starfish growing in my reef. Safe or Dangerous???
  15. p fish

    fish not eating

    I bought a blond naso as well about a week ago and he is doing the same as yours not eating
  16. p fish

    Broken Glass Heater

    thanks, will it recovery or is all lost?????
  17. p fish

    Broken Glass Heater

    Does anyone have any idea what may be happening
  18. p fish

    Broken Glass Heater

  19. p fish

    Broken Glass Heater

    About Ten days ago I came home from work and found my glass heater broke in my sump of my 125g reef. The wire was burnt and a fuse kicked off the electricity. I cleaned the glass out the sump and the remain of the heater and thought everything was fine, the fish ate and all inverts seem OK...
  20. p fish

    White Tube Worms (Feather Dusters)

    I do want them I just wanted to be sure they were a good thing