Search results

  1. dreamocean

    Anemone Lighting?

    What kind of anemone are you looking for? Some need stronger light requirements than others. Go to and look for a pc hood that will fit the length of your tank. i bet the 20" 96watt hood will fit fine (I don't know the dimmensions of your tank). That light will suffice for a...
  2. dreamocean

    Anemone Lighting?

    13 watts over a 12gal wont keep any photosynthesizing animals alive.
  3. dreamocean

    Fake Anenome Hosting

    A hairy mushroom would work just fine.
  4. dreamocean

    Fuge Current

    LOL, geez. OK, since you don't want me to call it a fuge, my main tank is just like a fuge.... I am doing this becasue...well I don't know :thinking: All I want to know is how would I add some circulation to such a small tank?
  5. dreamocean

    SWF order delivered and... death!... then a few Questions.

    You QT every new fish for 3 weeks. Lights out for 2-3 hours is what I do. If all params are the same between the two tanks, no acclimation is necesary. Sorry to hear about your firefish, very pretty fishy.
  6. dreamocean

    Fuge Current

    It's a fuge but not connected to a tank.
  7. dreamocean

    Fuge Current

    Originally posted by RobChuck Otherwise, you simply have a 2.5 gallon rubble rock and macro display tank. This is what I have. How should I add a small current to it? The smallest HOB filter I've seen would blow the sand everywhere.
  8. dreamocean

    first pic of my tank

    Yes, I forgot to throw in my compliment, lol. The tank does look very pretty with those green plants! What's your plans for the tank? Peaceful fish only tank? Or a reef down the road? Has your clown tried to host the fake plants yet?
  9. dreamocean

    Water Tank or Wife?

    My husband! He's been dead for 3 years.
  10. dreamocean

    Fuge Current

    I set up a mini fuge, only 2.5 gallons. I just realized I have no current for it, is this bad? If current is necessary, how should I go about it?
  11. dreamocean

    first pic of my tank

    Chocoalte chips wont kill a fish and eat it, but they do eat coral and anemone.
  12. dreamocean

    The Kids are doing well

    Cool baby clowns. What size tank do you keep them in? *lol 14YrOldKid, we both got suspended, lets try to get along this time