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  1. labar914

    Finding Nemo in the Pet Store

    Here is a good one, I couldnt resist posting this when I saw the thread! I cant tell you how many kids and adults come running up to me in stores when they see my tattoo. "Oh, you got Nemo from the movie on your leg, how cute! " AArrgghhh, how annoying, I always tell them its been there a...
  2. labar914

    Keeping Salt in Humidity & Salt Measurement

    I thought it would be economical to buy the 200 gallon container since I use that much salt about every 3 months, but now I am having a hard time keeping my unused salt from hardening. Of course I have tried to keep it in a cool dry place with the bag closed and lid on but it isn't working in...
  3. labar914

    Catching micro serpents, Please ID critter also.

    Originally Posted by ophiura Probably could come up with some sort of trap somehow. Do you think a Bristle Worm trap would work? So far I have been sucking them up when I vacum and let my son sort thru the dirt, he is cheap labor. Most end up OK, but some lose an arm or two. Thank You
  4. labar914

    Catching micro serpents, Please ID critter also.

    What in the world is the best way to catch micro serpent stars? My friend would like a few, along with the LFS. I have alot of them, the population exploded, I think we determined in the past it was because while I was away I had increasing nitrates from my husband way overfeeding. They...
  5. labar914

    Please Identify

    Originally Posted by NM reef Sort of sounds like a blue ridge coral to me....and looks like one in the pic. The color changes you mentioned doesn't sound right for a blue ridge...but the appearence seems to fit. Is it hard .. does the outside surface have a redish...smooth texture. Have you ever...
  6. labar914

    Please Identify

    My step-son left his tank behind when he moved, I finally got tired of cleaning it and decided to move everything to my 90. Here is a picture of something he has had for about 3 years. It started out about the size of a half dollar and is now about 8 inches x 6 inches. It has "Pores", but...
  7. labar914

    Mini Serpent Stars

    Originally Posted by ophiura Hermits, various crabs, and certain fish would probably eat them...but I wouldn't want to eliminate them personally. You could sell them :) Also consider that they may bloom in relation to available nutrients. If you have a lot of them, you may need to address the...
  8. labar914

    Mini Serpent Stars

    I have what looks like mini serpent stars all over my 90 gal. reef. It has been up and running for about 8 months with 120 pounds of live rock. I am new to having a reef and was wondering what size I can expect these little guys to get and how many is to many (if there is such a thing)? The...
  9. labar914

    Pagoda Cup Help

    Originally posted by Kip4130 the afflicted area shouldnt be getting bigger is it? just keep it under good flow and blow away the dead tissue and it will recover over time... you will need to keep algae from growing in the dead spot too so keep an eye on that It doesnt seem to be getting...
  10. labar914

    Pagoda Cup Help

    :confused: Below is a picture of my pagoda cup that I have had for several months. Please forgive the picture, I am amazed at the pictures people post but I haven't figured out how to do that yet. When I got up this morning I noticed the areas which appear "dead" to me, actually looks like it is...
  11. labar914

    Pagoda Cup Help

    :confused: Below is a picture of my pagoda cup that I have had for several months. Please forgive the picture, I am amazed at the pictures people post but I haven't figured out how to do that yet. When I got up this morning I noticed the areas which appear "dead" to me, actually looks like it...
  12. labar914

    Need Some Clarification

    Originally posted by Tizzo You have a whole house RO unit!?!? Wish I did!! I have a water softener, but an RO unit... For the whole house!?!? WOW It has the UV and filters the lead, copper and what-not (something to do with a magnet I think) and the water softener but I never...
  13. labar914

    Need Some Clarification

    Originally posted by Tizzo But you can get one at the Home Depot for about $150. It removes all of the "poisons" (to corals) included (in most cities)in tap water. Lead, copper, chlorine, and about 100 others that I can't think of right...
  14. labar914

    Need Some Clarification

    Originally posted by MontiDanae do you sue tap water? how old are all the bulbs? Tap water thru some kind of filter/uv that is "supposed to" clarify/clean/make it safe. Normal household thing. The MH is pretty old, I used it for 2 years then it was in storage for 6. The other bulbs are...
  15. labar914

    Need Some Clarification

    Originally posted by MontiDanae do you sue tap water? how old are all the bulbs? Tap water thru some kind of filter/uv that is "supposed to" clarify/clean/make it safe. Normal household thing. The MH is pretty old, I used it for 2 years then it was in storage for 6. The other bulbs are...
  16. labar914

    Need Some Clarification

    Originally posted by Tizzo :eek: Well, it's not as good as I thought, but it's the brown "dust" on the bottum. Sure does look like the junk I have on the rocks, it brushes right off. Brushes right off of the front glass too. It is just making everything look dirty.
  17. labar914

    Need Some Clarification

    Originally posted by MontiDanae clean up crew... Also, one last question, do you have CC( Crushed coral)? I do have crushed coral on the floor. Along with sand from an established tank mixed in. The first 25 pounds was also from an established tank in my home (I acquired the stuff from my...
  18. labar914

    Need Some Clarification

    I have been reading literally hundreds of current and past posts trying to figure out whats growing in my tank. Our 90 gal. has been set up for nearly 4 months. Here was my process, based on the recommendation of the LFS. I started the tank with 20 pounds of LR, about 25lbs of live sand from...