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  1. ivy2dw7

    moving day!

    It is time to move everything (being seven things) from 20L into it's new home in the 55! I just have two small fish, feather duster, conch, and 3 small corals to transfer. What is the best way to do this?
  2. ivy2dw7


    Yeah, I'm just trying to see what would be better: add another skunk, or keep my skunk and add a new pair of a different species...
  3. ivy2dw7


    I've had a pair of orange skunk clowns for a little over a year now in a smaller reef tank and recently the smaller of the two has disappeared. Long story short, I have a 55g set up and I'm planning on transferring everything from my smaller tank into it soon, and coming up with a list of a lot...
  4. ivy2dw7

    nudibranch food

  5. ivy2dw7

    nudibranch food

    Well, I just found a nudibranch in my 20g reef, after it being set up for OVER A YEAR. It's fairly large too, over an inch. Anyways, I looked it up and found that it's a Tritoniopsis elegans, which eats soft corals. I took him out of my reef and put him in my FOWLR, but will he survive in...
  6. ivy2dw7

    Would this work?

    Sorry, don't know what DT stands for, either that or I'm still not quite awake! My main tank has around 40 pounds of live rock in it and I might add a few more pounds when I rearrange things to set it up as a seahorse tank. Right now it's just a FOWLR but I am wanting to change it to...
  7. ivy2dw7

    Would this work?

    I am wanting to simply set up a 10-20g with a HOB filter, HOB skimmer, and UV sterilizer, put an overflow box on the main tank (39g) and set up the tubing and the return pump to have all of the equipment out of the main tank. Would this work? Everytime I read something about sumps they are...
  8. ivy2dw7

    changing to seahorses

    I currently have a 20g reef and a 39g cube(ish) FOWLR with just a fuzzy dwarf lion, urchin, and choc. chip star. I've been really interested in starting up a seahorse aquarium for awhile now and although I would LOVE to set up a nice 55/75g, I don't have the money to splurge on that. I am...
  9. ivy2dw7

    seahorse setup

    I would ask this on a seahorse forum but it currently is having issues and I'm not able to see anything in the discussion board. I currently have a 20g reef and a 39g cube(ish) FOWLR with just a fuzzy dwarf lion, urchin, and choc. chip star. I've been really interested in starting up a...
  10. ivy2dw7

    swapping tanks, new stock

    OK thanks a lot! Any other advice anyone?
  11. ivy2dw7

    swapping tanks, new stock

    I have decided I would really like to keep seahorses and my 39g would be perfect for this. But right now I have my fuzzy dwarf (my big baby), a pencil urchin and a choc. chip star in this tank. I would like to upgrade to a 55/75 and move the three of them to this. With that said I am having a...
  12. ivy2dw7

    timers for lights

    I've had mine for a while now, at least 6 months and I love it. The only problem is that some crud got into the day light timer so it stopped ticking. But I don't think it just died on it's own, I think soil from a plant next to the tank got knocked into the timer because the other one is...
  13. ivy2dw7

    multiple lions together?

    I've had a 39g FOWLR set up since late August and my fuzzy dwarf has been living in there by himself for awhile now. I would really like to get a leaf fish because the contrasting colors would be really neat but it's hard to find a place that has them in stock. I was also wanting a ghost eel...
  14. ivy2dw7

    stock list for 39g

    Okay, I've had this tank up and running for awhile now and have had my fuzzy dwarf lion in it for 3-4 months along with a pencil urchin and chocolate chip starfish. Once I figure out a way to seal the tank off (DIY canopy with lots of open space) I would like to get a ghost eel and also a leaf...
  15. ivy2dw7

    plastic materal to seal?

    I need to seal the my tank so I'm able to get an eel and I was thinking that maybe something like tarp material would be easy to you because then I could just tape it over all the little parts to my skimmer rather than trying to trace and cut all the little gaps onto something more solid. Would...
  16. ivy2dw7

    39g FOWLR

    So would any three of these fish work with an eel and my fuzzy dwarf?
  17. ivy2dw7


    He is a fuzzy dwarf, forget to mention that.
  18. ivy2dw7

    39g FOWLR

    And the tank dimensions are 24x18x21"
  19. ivy2dw7

    39g FOWLR

    Oh sorry my lionfish is a fuzzy dwarf so taking up the tank won't be an issue :P On another site they say that leaf scorpions need a minimum tank size of 30 (like the fuzzy dwarf), they get up to about 4" and are semi-aggressive/venomous but "Tank mates should be passive fish including other...
  20. ivy2dw7

    39g FOWLR

    I have a 39g cube with just a lionfish, pencil urchin, and CC star right now and about 40-45lbs LR and 25-30lbs LS. I'd like to get two more fish and I was thinking a ghost eel once I get the lid completely sealed and maybe a leaf scorpion? It's either a leaf scorpion, yellow stripe maroon...