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  1. new2us

    Species only undulated tank

    I bet AW meant no "less" than 75. Please do not put that fish in a 55 - he will be miserable once he nears adulthood. They are beautiful fish, but they require a little more room than that to be happy. Also, don't forget to take into account any tank decor, rocks, etc. that you may have that...
  2. new2us

    why does it seem people are unhappy these days

    Originally Posted by ophiura I'll get back to you with a response on this....
  3. new2us

    why does it seem people are unhappy these days

    ...and I certainly agree. It's like we are all getting dragged down by the negatives in our realities instead of being uplifted by the positives.
  4. new2us

    why does it seem people are unhappy these days

    More people like you should be writing books instead of all these authors who do not believe in spanking, but love to call time-outs and (my favorite) counting to 3 and then 10 and then 20. Tivo is a good use of modern technology. Can't beat Andy Griffith! Which leads me to another point - -...
  5. new2us

    Skinny fish

    Sounds like almost anything is an improvement over his current conditions! I hope you can get him tomorrow and that you'll keep us posted on his progress.
  6. new2us

    why does it seem people are unhappy these days

    I don't know whether there were more people filled with the Holy Spirit 10 years ago, but religious confusion certainly seems more prevalent now than it was then. Our freedom of religion can be a dangerous concept. Think our founding fathers could ever have anticipated globalization and all the...
  7. new2us

    What's easy to take care of?

    Nice looking light set-up!! I agree - frogspawn is great. It provides lots of color and movement in the tank. Got powerheads? My frogspawn are in low to medium flow and they have quadrupled in size over 14 months' time.The clownfish calls one of them home and defends his territory with a...
  8. new2us

    Skinny fish

    I can sympathize with you - it is soooo hard to go into a store and see a sick fish, knowing that the workers there probably do not care enough (or know enough) to be able to save him. Since you have a quarantine tank, you could take him home and try to save him. You said the QT was empty, but...
  9. new2us

    why does it seem people are unhappy these days

    Very well said. Kids today are taught that their "feelings" are more important than how they act. I do believe that fewer and fewer are being taught that God is watching. (I know that kept me straight about 90% of the time when I was growing up.) Almost anything is acceptable if it makes them...
  10. new2us

    Dimond Goby Owners!

    Have you noticed if he is only doing this when the scooter blenny is fairly close to his territory?
  11. new2us

    Help Meeee Please

    Sadly, another LFS that gives so many of them a bad name. Regarding the crushed coral: 1. If you decide you like the hobby, you will undoubtedly want to try other types of marinelife such as starfish or sand-sifting gobies or certain snails, etc.- they do not appreciate crushed coral too much...
  12. new2us

    Whats Wrong with my Leather?

    I had a finger leather that did that a few months ago - turns out it had gotten too big and was warring for space with my frogspawn. They both appeared to have plenty of room but, when I moved them farther apart, the leather was just fine by the next day. May not be the problem in your tank, but...
  13. new2us

    Tank re decorated by tunze

    As far as the cyano goes, I battled this a couple years ago by cutting down the light time, feeding less often, and spot vacuuming the red stringy stuff when I did water changes. Those things helped a lot, but didn't cure it. So I bought some Chemi-clean and it took care of it - 2 years later...
  14. new2us

    marine velvet in a reef

    Well, I had described this to some "senior" reefkeepers at a fish store in Longview, another in Tyler, and discussed it with one of the reps at Aquarium Pharmaceuticals and they all said the same thing. Also,when I researched it on the net, it seemed to fit. But, as I said before, I have had no...
  15. new2us

    marine velvet in a reef

    I need some education,please. We have had a 90 gallon reef up for about a year and a 1/2 now. Fortunately up to this point, we have had no problems with bacterial or parasitic infections in the tank at all. Wouldn't you know it though - just when we got over-confident in our reef-keeping...
  16. new2us

    Anaconda bristleworm likes escargot

    Thanks! Sounds simple enough - I will try that first and report back soon.
  17. new2us

    Anaconda bristleworm likes escargot

    WOW - NM Reef - that is a massive bristleworm!!!! Admittedly, ours has not quite reached that astronomical proportion yet. However, he is much larger than most pics I've seen of the "typical" bristleworm and he is still after the snails, so he must go. Hey, supalupa, coral bandeds are nice...
  18. new2us

    Anaconda bristleworm likes escargot

    I have found quite a few threads regarding bristleworms and there seems to be mixed review on whether to rid your tank of them if possible, or to be joyous in their existence since they remove debris (detritus?) from the sandbed and rocks. I have seen pictures of them and they look harmless...
  19. new2us

    Protective sleeves for bulbs

    Okay.....I had just heard the sleeves might actually prolong the life of the bulbs, but I certainly do not want to give up the light output. Do I need to worry about bulbs breaking and gases poisoning the tank? Had heard that somewhere a while back as well. :notsure: With my former lighting...
  20. new2us

    Protective sleeves for bulbs

    Is anyone using those protective sleeves that you can get for your bulbs to keep the salt off? Our 55 was quite successful fairly quickly so we just converted to a 90 gallon set up with a canopy and VHO lights. Now our bulbs are installed into the canopy but the splash is a bit of a concern to...