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  1. jester805

    Where can I buy custom size aquarium?

    I have a project where I would like to buy a table-shaped aquarium. It should be 2 feet wide by 8 feet long and (possibly) 1 foot deep. Any ideas on where I can get a custom tank like this?   Thanks!
  2. jester805

    AquaC Remora Pro DIY drain fitting ??

    Originally Posted by allenk That is exactly how it's done if you buy the collection cup with the drain fitting. It is just an elbow coming out of the side of the cup and a U shaped cutout on the skimmer itself to allow for the elbow fitting clearance. Ok cool. So I won't mess anything up if I...
  3. jester805

    AquaC Remora Pro DIY drain fitting ??

    I have the AquaC Remora Pro protein skimmer. I'm wanting to be able to drain the collection cup with a drain fitting. Has anyone modified their Remora Pro to do this? Looks like you just have to install an elbow drain fitting and cut the black housing to make room for that. Any suggestions...
  4. jester805

    Stuff growing on my sand, any ideas?

    IMO, you want a bigger cleaning crew.
  5. jester805

    Clown Trigger in reef tank

    A clown trigger needs a minimum of 125 gallon tank to survive long-term.
  6. jester805

    Am thinking about a Foxface Lo

    IMO, they are a great addition to any tank. I had one for several months before it died. It was peaceful towards other fish & inverts. Didn't bother my corals at all either.
  7. jester805

    im bored.... heres some pics

    What is that in the third picture? It looks awesome!
  8. jester805

    feeding time for shrooms

    I got a shroom (similiar to that) last week. I've been wondering what to feed it because he doesn't really go for frozen brine. Do these things eat Phytoplex?
  9. jester805

    What exactly is 'alkalinity' ??

    I have a 75 gallon display tank with a 20 gallon sump. I have 80 pounds of LS and about 65 pounds of LR. I've had a nitrate problem for several months and do weekly RO/DI water changes and cut way back on my feeding. (I only feed 1 cube of frozen mysis twice per week). Anyway, I did about a...
  10. jester805

    green/blue chromis

    Originally Posted by dmjordan I bought two and ended up with one. Except for at night he is always with my percs. I also bought two and one died shortly after. I didn't realize this was so common.
  11. jester805

    floating junk on water surface

    Originally Posted by Winstew its hard to say. Some of the thicker spots or the corners might not have cured yet. Uncured silicone can kill small animals. Not just fish but cats and what not. How long ago did you use it? What is the water volume of the tank? How many and what size were the...
  12. jester805

    floating junk on water surface

    Originally Posted by Winstew those trates are kinda high... It is very possible that you might have had it the whole time and just not noticed it or maybe there was a film on the inside of the sump when you bought it or if you made it the silicone could not have quite cured yet..... Now that...
  13. jester805

    floating junk on water surface

    Originally Posted by Winstew I don't want to jump to anything but it almost seems like you have something in your water. A contaminent of some sort. Somehing that floats on water and creates a prism under light. Kind of light what oil does with water. I would say maybe next time you do your...
  14. jester805

    floating junk on water surface

    Originally Posted by Winstew Turn your pump and filters/ powerheaders off and let the water settle. See if the "dust" is actually moving around. Just an idea maybe the surface is one of the lowest flow spots in your tank..... Ok, I turned off all of my pumps for a little bit and watched the...
  15. jester805

    skimmer question

    Originally Posted by dmjordan Skimmers do have a break in period which vary in length as mentioned by jester805. The amount of time for a skimmer to start pulling out foam depends on the starility of the tank. When I first hooked up my aqua c remora it didn't pull out much more than pale yellow...
  16. jester805


    Does anyone have a picture of these??? I've always wondered what they look like.
  17. jester805

    Reef tank question

    Think of it this way (as an example): Your tank is in a hot room and you're water evaporates at 1 gallon per week. If you have a 10 gallon tank, that 1 gallon per week makes a HUGE change in the chemistry of your water. If you have a 75 gallon tank, that 1 gallon isn't nearly as harmful. The...
  18. jester805

    Loss of Salt

    Originally Posted by RiDoMart My salt level droped to 1.20, from 1.25. Would a new skimmer do this or did I make a bad batch? Added the skimmer (Aqua EV 120). about a month ago I would guess a bad batch of salt. I don't see how a skimmer would do that. How often do you test your salinity? I...
  19. jester805

    skimmer question

    Originally Posted by Nemo_66 Exactly how long does it take a skimmer to start to produce there a break in period or what...thanks. It depends on the brand of skimmer. I would say anywhere from 1 day to 1 week.
  20. jester805

    floating junk on water surface

    I have similar lighting and noticed (what looks like) dust floating on the top of my display tank. I added a 20 gallon sump a month ago and figured it was somehow related to that. I also have an Emperor 400 and about 60 pounds of LR. My display tank is a 75 gallon. I think my lights should be...