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  1. costanza

    Budget light strip

    It matters to my eyes. Fluorescent has a whiter light vs. the yellowish incandescent. Plus incandescent puts off more heat and can raise the water temp slightly.
  2. costanza

    Budget light strip

    Originally posted by essop3 20" is for a 10g right? If so I bought my entire 10g tank at Walmart (hood, filter, tank, heater) for $25. Hmm? The light was fluorescent? I thought those packages came w/ incandescent lights.
  3. costanza

    Budget light strip

    There is nothing high tech about these small light strips (I don't need a complete tank cover, I have one of those made of folding glass). I thought someone may be aware of a "made in china" light strip for about $15. People, I may be no SWA expert, but I have sold HUNDREDS of items on ----...
  4. costanza

    Budget light strip

    I didn't get to bid on that light, but shipping from Ct. to Ga. was specified at $10! RIPOFF!
  5. costanza

    Budget light strip

    I have a glass cover for the SWA. I just need a cheap fluorescent light strip.
  6. costanza

    Budget light strip

    Home Depot sells aquarium light strips?! Seriously, I assume you are talking about a generic fluorescent light strip for uses such as under kitchen cabinets, etc. Are you saying they sell one that has the "hood/reflector" like a Perfecto light strip?
  7. costanza

    Budget light strip

    Anyone know of a place to get a 20" fluorescent hood w/ bulb for fish ONLY tank cheaper than Petsmart ($24)?
  8. costanza

    LS question

    I know the benefits of the sand. I want to know when people started using it (not early pioneers, but when it became the preferred substrate for mainstream SWA's). I'm assuming it was within the past 10 years.
  9. costanza

    LS question

    Can someone tell me when LS became the preferred substrate? I got out of the SWA hobby around '94 and at that time I had never heard of it.
  10. costanza

    I'm new :) Starting new "kid's tank"

    Originally posted by Snipe Look at the bottom of the tank and the rock. with the crushed coral everything is covered in aglea and when he changed to sand it got read of it all. Oh. I thought i was going to be seeing lots of dead fish, etc. from the CC. What's a good invert. to clean the...
  11. costanza

    I'm new :) Starting new "kid's tank"

    Snipe, what am I supposed to be looking at in those last 2 pix? I'm looking at them on a laptop monitor so maybe the pix are too small. I'm STILL waiting for someone to tell me WHEN the sand came into use and became so popular.
  12. costanza

    Light question

    I have a short little light housing (about 7" long) that came with a hex shaped 2 gallon tank. The housing has an incandescent light in it. It puts off an ugly yellowish light. I will have a 10g fish/shrimp/crab tank up soon. I was looking at buying a Perfecto 20" wide flourescent light strip...
  13. costanza


    What size/power heater should I use in a standard 10g SWA. I keep my house at about 70F.
  14. costanza

    I'm new :) Starting new "kid's tank"

    Originally posted by minitrucke CC does work you just have to maintain it a little more. That's what I figured. Thanks. Hopefully a combination of a couple of shrimp and hermit crabs can keep the CC a little cleaner than with a fish only tank :) I agree sand looks MUCH more realistic and I...
  15. costanza

    I'm new :) Starting new "kid's tank"

    Originally posted by Snipe No im not saying its impossible but when you buy mostly aragonite sand and seed it with alittle live sand it will be better than cc and it will cost about the same. It may cost about the same if someone hasn't already bought the CC and undergravel filter and...
  16. costanza

    I'm new :) Starting new "kid's tank"

    Snipe, when did people start using this sand? What did people do before the sand? Are you saying you can't maintain a 10 gallon SWA w/ CC? Or are you saying it will be more difficult? I successfully maintained a 55 gallon SWA w/ CC for several years. I admit I've been away from this hobby for...
  17. costanza

    I'm new :) Starting new "kid's tank"

    When did people start using this sand? I got out of the SWA hobby about 10 years ago and I think just about all the shops I ever visited only used CC. I've got to be honest with you all, I don't see myself tearing down this setup down, spending another $60 and starting over. This is just a...
  18. costanza

    I'm new :) Starting new "kid's tank"

    Thanks for all the informative responses! I'm still unsure about the sand though. Are some people here still using crushed coral?
  19. costanza

    I'm new :) Starting new "kid's tank"

    Thanks for the great advice! Can you point me to a post that explains what live sand is and how it works?
  20. costanza

    I'm new :) Starting new "kid's tank"

    Hi, I had a 55 gallon SWA for several years about 10 years ago. I had crushed coral over undergravel filters. Over the years I had a snowflake eel, a lionfish, a yellow tang, banded coral shrimp and some kind of shark (NO, not at the same time :)). Fast forward to now: my 13 year old wanted a...