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  1. dsorge

    I Need A New Filter

    Misfit, I think the motor burned out. I did some filter maintenance today and she was having trouble getting the impeller going. After a few minutes it just stopped and the motor cover felt pretty hot. I let it cool for awhile and now nothing. I've got two other Rena's and I like them, but...
  2. dsorge

    I Need A New Filter

    It appears that my Rena XP2 took a dump on me today. I have a 50GAL bow front and am looking for suggestions on a new canister filter. I've been pleased with the Rena for a few years but I'm open for suggestions. My tank is nothing fancy, it only has fish and live rock.
  3. dsorge

    Missing Cleaner Shrimp

    I figured that my star wouldn't take him was a thought. Usually my cleanup crew leave parts lying around for me to clean up. Not with the shrimp though.
  4. dsorge

    Missing Cleaner Shrimp

    I know it's only a shrimp, but hey, he did his job. Anyways, he's gone with absolutely no remnants like shell or antennae. I've got a yellow tang, a clown and some damsels and usually they create a pretty big mess if they decide to take someone out. Is it possible for a fromia star to take on...
  5. dsorge

    Be Prepared.

    Scenario: 1 50 Gallon Salt Fish Only containing 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Percula Clown, 3 Damsels, 1 Fromia Star, many Hermits, 1 Tigertail Cuke and 1 tiny Yellow Cuke. 1 50 Gallon African Cichlid Tank containing 6 various types, not important to this forum. 1 6 Gallon Salt (hospital) containing 1 Small...
  6. dsorge

    Something is wrong with my tank.

    Do you have good water flow, i.e. powerheads. I learned from similar experiences that good water flow is mucho importante. Having a good water disturbance on the water surface is beneficial in releasing gases that may accumulate in the tank. Although, pop-eye is sure indicator of high...
  7. dsorge

    Enough Oxygen?

    Yeah, I was skeptical about the Ich-Attack myself, but my thought was that if they wanted to screw me, they could've got me to buy an expensive treatment solution. At any rate, I wound up having to put her down, whatever it was parasite or disease spread threefold completely destroying her...
  8. dsorge

    Enough Oxygen?

    I am using an Eclipse 6 gallon as a hospital tank for my clownfish. I know not the best tank but all I could really afford. Anyways, I'm treating her for a parasite/disease that took over her tailfin internally with some treatment called Ich-Attack made by Kordon. It was recommended by my LFS...
  9. dsorge

    Need help clowns dying along with tang and damsel, not sure what it could be

    Hard to say what's really going on, but here is what I would do... First, NitrItes should be zero(0), always. Your NitrAtes could be lower but at 30, they shouldn't be causing you any issues. Your salt appears to be pretty low, get it up to 1.022-1.024, I've even had mine at 1.026 without...
  10. dsorge

    Clownfish Sleeping Habits

    Thanks, that's a big relief. It's kind of funny. I couldn't sit around a wait for an answer so I sat there at 4:00AM this morning and watched them floating around on the surface till 6:30. I started getting worried so I fired up the lights to see if they were OK. Turns out they were OK, now...
  11. dsorge

    Clownfish Sleeping Habits

    45 Gallon SWO 5 Damsels 1 Tiger Tail Cuke 3 Crabs Ph 8.1 Ammonia 0 NitrIte 0 NitrAte 0 Tank has been up for about a month. Just bought two Ocellaris clowns already paired about three days ago. Very healthy looking devils and they swim and chase the others all day. One night I decided to sneak...
  12. dsorge

    worst weekend ever

    That sucks bro. That happened to me a couple of years ago, fortunately I didn't lose any fish. I ended up buying a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) to kick in if I lose power again. Looks like you lost power for a couple of days, so it's hard to say if a UPS would lasted that long. Doesn't...