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  1. primetime

    Emerald Crab Died

    sorry to hear, I just lost my little emerald crab today also. Lets take a moment of silence....
  2. primetime


    I have a 200 FOWLR setup and I use the orbit series 72" 4 x 96w w/moonlights.. It does a great job and looks great. And wont break the bank..
  3. primetime


    I have my S&S Puffer I will sell to ya.. I'm located in Sarasota... $60.00 I have pics under my post "S&S Puffer Cost"
  4. primetime

    ?? Price on my S&S Puffer

    Yeah that is what I thought... But my LFS is only wanting to offer me $35.00. I'm not sure if I should really go that low for a great looking fish. But if that is all I can get.. Or if someone wants to buy him locally, I will sell him to whomever.
  5. primetime

    Who has the biggest fish???

    Here is my 10"+ S&S Puffer
  6. primetime

    ?? Price on my S&S Puffer

    Hey guys.. I was just wondering if someone could give me a ballpark trade-in price on my S&S Puffer. He is about 10" or more long... Here are sanp shots of him. And tank is a 195g.. I might be trading him in tomorrow at my LFS, but I don't wanna get raped on the lil' guy.. Thanks!
  7. primetime

    puffer question

    I did have a Dogface puffer with Lionfish for about 6-7 months. The puffer never even thought of bother the LF. But one simple dumbass move on my part killed a couple of the fish.. Live and learn I guess.
  8. primetime

    puffer question

    Originally Posted by leftyblite Thanks Primetime. How many would be good for a 150G tank? I have about 4-5 left right now. I had a couple not make it though. Some of the hermits have become trained, if they see the puffer coming down to the sand towards them, they'll tuck inside of their...
  9. primetime

    Puffer took a bite out of me

    Yep. Your routine on feeding is almost like mine. They get in a tight litle bunch in the left corner awaiting the food. So I sprinkle the flakes for the smaller guys to eat. And when it's safe, I add the big stuff. But my Huma thinks he is as big as the Puffer. He will grab food right in front...
  10. primetime

    Puffer took a bite out of me

    I understand about feeding time. I can't even bring the white frozen food bin into the room, cause if I do.. The fatso go completely bonkers!! Water is splashing out by the gallons. So I have to bring the food in by hand and feed it to him.
  11. primetime

    Pics from my 195

    Thanks! He is a S.S. Puffer, and he is about 10 inches. But he hasn't really held still for me to measure him yet.
  12. primetime

    Puffer took a bite out of me

    Thanks man... He is quite the showoff for people when they come over. He will beg for for food, splash, spit, wiggle and boggie all around. :hilarious
  13. primetime

    puffer question

    I have had good luck with strawberry hermit crabs with puffers.. They do tend to play with the crabs at times, just becoming close friends maybe..
  14. primetime

    Lets See Those Triggers!

    Here's mine.. This hasnt grown yet... I've had him for 7 or so months. Does it take awhile for these guys to get some growth on them or what??
  15. primetime

    Puffer took a bite out of me

    Here's a pic of my S.S. puffer. He is always trying to mess with the crabs.
  16. primetime

    if you could have any aggressive fish whitch one would you pick out of theses

    The V. Lion... I had one that grew sooo big within 6 months. I think he was 4 inches from start and got to be around 10.5 inches. They are so cool to watch and feed.
  17. primetime

    Pics from my 195

    Hey guys, I haven't posted much in the past few months.. So I figured I would drop in a few pics of my tank that has been up and runnnig for about a year now. I hope everyone likes!!
  18. primetime

    trigers and clean up crew

    My Huma and SS think it's Escargot... A real treat for them, little [hr] !! I buy snails about once every 2-3 months. And they last about a week or so, saves me on cleaning time for that week at least.
  19. primetime

    New Stars & Stripes Puffer

    Looks nice... I'll post up my SS I got a month or so ago. My guy eats everything that falls in his way. But he is dumb as a bat though. The food has to be right in front of him. If not he will just wiggle all around like a crack head. BTW it's my first post in a couple of months.. Hope...
  20. primetime

    Anyone have a Mustang 5.0 for sale??

    I don't really want to break the $7500 mark. I sold my 93 black/black supercharged coupe 2 years ago. And now I have been bitten by the 5.0 bug again. And I would prefer to get one that either has a rebuilt 302 or 306 or higher. Possibly Supercharged or H/C/I. The paint, well, I have one of the...