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  1. andrewmack

    new lightbulb!!?

    its only a 5ga, I figured for 10 bucks its better then the lightbulb I have now, im looking into a 10ga tank but if i keep the 5 im going to upgrade the lighting to 26watt with moonlight, but that will be a few weeks or more
  2. andrewmack

    My new 5ga kitchen NANO

    well I think im going to upgrade an just use the 26watt lighting because that has to be better then nothing. I just wont add anything cept LR and the polpys. and the other clown and royal gramma. But what do you guys think of my tank so far, im 17 an have my own apartment and I think that was...
  3. andrewmack

    HomeMade LR cureing idea.

    OHH damn, I didn't want to wait that long, my clownfish has no hiding places and I wanted to get some inverts to keep the tank clean. HmMmMmMm.... What to do?
  4. andrewmack

    new lightbulb!!?

  5. andrewmack

    HomeMade LR cureing idea.

    And do you have to CURE the homemade rock? how would i go about doing that, and if i buy only 1lb of real LR to seed the homemade stuff(7lbs) will that be enough?
  6. andrewmack

    jebo odyssea 10ga?

    Has anyone seen or owned one of these? It comes with 18watt 50/50 lighting and from what I see, overall a good filter. It's only 40 dollars on the auction site for the whole kit. I figured then I could use the 5ga for breeding clowns or to hold my feeder shrimp. Any other idea's of what I may...
  7. andrewmack

    new lightbulb!!?

    will changing my stock bulb to a 12'' 8watt coralife bulb help at all or is it just a waste of money? right now i just have a regular bulb from the hardware store. will the coralife help at all?
  8. andrewmack

    HomeMade LR cureing idea.

    since you guys tend to make LARGE amounts of the stuff I thought instead of using rubbermaid tubs to cure it in or an extra aquarium, buy a kiddy pool from walmart for 10dollars. you could put a lot of rock in it an some of them are kinda deep but cost a few more bucks. just an idea( an a small...
  9. andrewmack


    i know it says FOWL, but i would get some zoo' or like an open brain or something that will get big since you have a decent;y sized tank
  10. andrewmack

    What inverts to get?

    well i am an ass so STFU an please stay off my threads Thank you, Andrew
  11. andrewmack

    What inverts to get?

    thats exactly what i mean, dont reply to my threads with pointless stuff. i asked what kinda inverts i should buy and you say " if you do water changes you wont worry about amonia an nitrates", was that my question? NO
  12. andrewmack

    What inverts to get?

    Thank you very much for the reply. I wanted to get 3 zebra hermits, two blue leg, and a few snails. I'm just waiting to see if anyone has some of thier home made LR i can buy, i only need like 4lbs of fist sized pieces or smaller.
  13. andrewmack

    making bulk live rock

    Thank you scott I just replied to your Email. Andrew
  14. andrewmack

    making bulk live rock

    Scott9311 My email address is , I have a few important questions and possibly a request for your home made " live rock " , please email me so that i can respond to it. Andrew
  15. andrewmack

    Bulk live rock project log

    How is that LIVE ROCK?
  16. andrewmack

    What inverts to get?

    ok, will you please stop responding to my posts. you never answer the question and you say pointless stuff. so please stop. anyone else want to answer what i asked?
  17. andrewmack

    What inverts to get?

    What inverts should I buy to help keep my tank clean, in a few weeks im gunna buy 3-4lbs of LR, but i need something to keep the bio-load down and i was gunna get a cleaner clam cause i was told they keep amomia an nitrates down.:help:
  18. andrewmack


    would i need a sump for a 29ga tank?
  19. andrewmack

    Lighting help.

    What else will host a clownfish?
  20. andrewmack

    Lighting help.

    i wll take pictures the next time i go to his house!