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  1. beagle31

    Rare "Koi" Yellow Tang

    can u send me the website to please thank u
  2. beagle31

    Suggested clean up crew for 29 gal tank?

    if its three months u dont want to go out and buy a lot becuse u dont really have that much waste lying around in the tank haveing nitrate is a good thing just do water changes if ure getting hair alge and stuff like that then go get a couple of hermits and snails( i use turbos) and see how they...
  3. beagle31

    Mantis Shrimp ID?

    yup thats a mantis u should give him his own tank i think there cool
  4. beagle31

    PH/Alkalinity Problem Can someone help

    idk about your alk. but after water changes (RO) i use perfect P.h. it has a big 8.2 on the bottle its a white chrystle mixed up and dissolves instanly i have had perfect 8.2 everytime hope this helps
  5. beagle31

    Anyone Have A Tank From Glasscages

    Where are the located?
  6. beagle31

    Turbo twist catching fire?

    your the man thank you
  7. beagle31

    turbo twist catching fire ?

    somebodys gotta know something or heard somthing about them? anybody
  8. beagle31

    turbo twist catching fire ?

    i just bought a turbo twist UV Sterilizer and i have read opinions on ppl that like uv sterilizer and those that dont i was just wondering if anyone has had a fire with the turbo twist and ppl who have had success or no problems if u use and kind of sterilizer please write what u think of it...
  9. beagle31

    Turbo twist catching fire?

    i just bought a turbo twist UV Sterilizer and i have read opinions on ppl that like uv sterilizer and those that dont i was just wondering if anyone has had a fire with the turbo twist and ppl who have had success or no problems if u use and kind of sterilizer please write what u think of it...
  10. beagle31

    ptters angel

    how hard is it to keep a potters angel ive read that it say's expert only so i was wondering if anyone has had succes or failure with this fish
  11. beagle31

    quick question

  12. beagle31

    quick question

  13. beagle31

    quick question

    i have seen lights that are labeled t-12 and then i read about the t-5 light i was just wondering what is the difference?
  14. beagle31

    Bristle Worms

    my tank has been unning for two years now and when i started i had big bristle worms im talking foot or so gray cool looking u could watch them eat all the left over food when lights went out my question is is it possible to have no more left because i havnt seen one with the lights on or off...
  15. beagle31


    im doing a report and i was wondering if people who have been in the hobbie for sometime could give me a little history of how it has evoled since you started. Any input is great but years of experince could help me write the report since its kinda hard to get info on the hobbie thanxs beagle
  16. beagle31

    Pics of my new buddies...

    i not trying to argue with u but look it up its a kelp poacher has nothing to do with the eel family
  17. beagle31

    Pics of my new buddies...

    the green fish is called a kelp poacher it is own species awsome fish very good sight