Search results

  1. ahpchagi

    any recommended ro systems off fleabay?

    I have a 5 stage from Aquasafe/ Canada. No complaints. Did burn right thru the first batch of DI resin, but thats my well water doing that. I just keep an eye on the color of the resin, watch the TDS's, and I'm making great water. Unit was cheap to buy, not cheaply made.
  2. ahpchagi

    Prizm Skimmers?

    Any body have feedback on Prizm skimmers. Thinking of the Deluxe PRO for a 90 gal.
  3. ahpchagi

    is this a decent RO.DI unit?

    I bought RO/DI system from for 160 US. Great unit! Total with shipping came to about 340, but I ordered booster pump and TDS meter and extra resin and case of replacement filters.
  4. ahpchagi


    I got small, (.06x .11xvery thin) brown colored rectangles on the glass and rock and sand bed. Not a mat of material, but small rectangles. Diatoms?, algea? Water parameters are good all over. Has any one seen this before?
  5. ahpchagi

    salifert KH/Alk test instructions

    lubeck, salty, thank you, thank you!
  6. ahpchagi

    Who Lives In Pa ???

    Stroudsburg. Something Fishy,north of Allentown is a very good lfs. Where is That Fish Place?
  7. ahpchagi

    salifert KH/Alk test instructions

    I lost my test kit instructions. It's a Salifert Carbonate Hardness/ Alkalinity test. If somebody could post em , I'd really appreciate it. THANKS
  8. ahpchagi

    Odyssea 2006 Model MH Lights

    I ordered the Odyssea 48in. 2x175 HQL,2x54W actinics, 4x blue moon lights for 298.99 on E-Bay. I received a Jebo 48in. with2x150HQL, 2x54W10000K T5 daylight. To shorten the story I can get full refund if I send back the junk fixture. They Baited And Switched me. No...
  9. ahpchagi

    Phosphate Reactor

    I ran PHOS-BAN for about 5-6 weeks in a Little Fishes Reactor with little drop. Last 3-4 weeks been running PhosGuard. Levels about .1 or under. :joy: I also shortened daylight lighting to 6-7 hours, to combat bad algaes. Water changes every 2-3 weeks. (about 20 %) Cleaned out sand-bed with...
  10. ahpchagi


    2 years on a 29 gal. About 1500.00? Can't really say. In last 3 weeks 900.00 on halides and RO-DI in prep for 125 gal. upgrade. Next, turn that 29 into refugium. $?
  11. ahpchagi

    Florida LR and Phosphate Levels

    Anybody ever here of "Dale Barger" LR & LS . I know it is aquaculcultered in the Gulf Of Mex. It arrived LOADED with corals, algae, fan worms, sponge,assorted hitchhikers. Very happy with the looks of it . It cycled well with minimal die-off of wanted stuff. I now have a Phosphate...
  12. ahpchagi

    Freedom Filter

    I think you are rushing things a bit. I cycled my tank with only a couple of common damsels. It took about 2 months before the ammonia, nitrates, ect. stabilized. I did have about 40 lbs. of LR, and 25 lbs. live sand. The Damsels made it and I have since upgraded the fish. (To less...
  13. ahpchagi

    Metal Halides

    Anybody have any input on the quality of the "Odyssea M H System" ? I Recently checked on E-Bay and found a reasonably priced 48" fixture, but I really don't like to get burned. Some equipment out there is over-priced junk. Thanks
  14. ahpchagi

    Witnessed nature yesterday..

    I was removing some bad live rock, (chunks of phosphate) and a large b-worm dropped to a porous rock on the bottom. I tried to grab it with long tweezers, giving it a good clamping and it crawled into the pores of the rock. 10 seconds later it extended about an inch out of the rock and squirt...
  15. ahpchagi

    pink cucumber

    Thanks for the heads up on my cuke. It does display tentacles. It is a very interesting animal and I will learn what it takes to keep it happy. I already feed the inverts, using "Marine Snow" and "Roti-Rich". (once every four days) Again, thanks for your replys
  16. ahpchagi

    pink cucumber

    I got a new pink cucumber, moved across substrate to the glass made it to the top of tank and seems to have welded itself to the glass at the surface of the water.(sometimes 5 % out of the water) Thought they were detritus feeders. Thats why I got him. Any experiance out there with new pinks...