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  1. ib4shore

    Thinking about purchasing a nano

    Thanks for the info. I might feel a little more comfortable with the ability to keep more small fish though.
  2. ib4shore

    Thinking about purchasing a nano

    Do you think it was worth it even though you changed those items? Or would I just be better off starting with a stand alone tank?
  3. ib4shore


    Another thing make sure the cover is tight cause eels can get out pretty good. Even if your eel gets out and lays on the floor till it's dried out. Put it back in the water. Don't jump to conclusions it may be fine, they are very tough. I had a tiretrack moray that jumped out and was stuck to...
  4. ib4shore


    My eels could hardly find the food I was giving them. I don't know if they are all dumb but I've had several. They were cool but not too bright. I never had much problems with morays being too aggressive. But none of mine were over 14". They would not mess with damsels maybe because they didn't...
  5. ib4shore

    LS vs CC (again)

    I too have made MANY mistakes of the stupid nature. I believe that it took a few yrs or more, before I learned about less CC on the bottom is best for me too. My fish were dying and I had no clue why, but after a while I learned. I also don't mind cleanings. They aren't that bad. My fish got to...
  6. ib4shore

    LS vs CC (again)

    And you have to think about the ppl ppl dont want "virtually" maintenance free they "want" maintenance free. [/B] If this is what some ppl feel then maybe they are in the wrong hobby. I for one agree totally with what sly is saying. I must be the only other one that uses UG filters and CC...
  7. ib4shore

    Thinking about purchasing a nano

    possibly some mushroom, leather, etc. But I would only be looking at small fish possibly gobies, blennies, clowns small fish with plenty of character. And some anemones for the clowns. It's either the nano or i'll just set up another 20 H, but the 20 H is going to cost more $.
  8. ib4shore

    Does anyone use regular water???

    A local fishkeeper uses a 6' long piece of 4" dia. PVC pipe filled with charcoal with the ends capped off. There is an in on one end and an out on the other. Running the water through this filters out most of the impurities but still needs dechlorinization. This works pretty well and it's not...
  9. ib4shore


    I don't know who told you this but Alkalinity is PH 7.0 is neutral lower is more acidic higher is alkaline. This is a normal ph scale. Your ph should be around 8.2
  10. ib4shore

    Thinking about purchasing a nano

    I am thinking about purchasing a nano. Does anyone have any negatives on them? Or are they worth the money? I need something that I can keep smaller fish in with some corals. The one I was looking at has dual bulbs and was priced at 199.00 I'm not sure what size it is looks about 20g or so.
  11. ib4shore

    CC subsrtate

    Obviously we all have our own opinions, but I think were missing the point here. My tanks have never looked like the pics posted. But as I said you can get good results with CC substrate. Maybe not with a reef environment, but with fish only and only a small amount of substrate it can be done...
  12. ib4shore

    CC subsrtate

    Snipe, I am in a fish only situation. They will be probably predatory since lionfish are my favorites. Probably won't have any inverts in there. Maybe an eel possibly a grouper.
  13. ib4shore

    mystery damsel

    The fish in question is about 1 1/2" long The link of a cloudy damsel is not it.
  14. ib4shore

    CC subsrtate

    I'm sorry, I didn't answer your question :D I am using CC I have never tried sand. My experience is that once you have an established tank with enough filtration. You won't have as much cleaning to do. I was doing 25% water changes monthly.
  15. ib4shore

    CC subsrtate

    The amount of subsrate that I have is only about an 1 1/2". I started with about 4" because the LFS told me that's what I needed. But I too had a lot of problems when it came to keeping the water clean. It took me a couple yrs to figure that out and a lot of fish $$. I also have a good bit of...
  16. ib4shore

    mystery damsel

    I have a (damsel) fish that I can't find in any indexes on damsel fish. It's body is charcoal grey. Fins: pectoral-clr, dorsal- char. w/white hlght on top and yellow back, caudal-char. w/blu hlght - bottom, anal-char. w/ blu hlght - bottom, tail-lyre style char. arnd outside w/ yellow center...
  17. ib4shore

    CC subsrtate

    Thank You, I thought that I might have been lost for longer than I had noticed. I have just set up my 55 again after a long hiatus. I do know that there have been major advancements in filtration, and lighting. I just wasn't sure how much that it affected what I was doing. My tank has cycled...
  18. ib4shore

    CC subsrtate

    I'm not new at this but have been out of service for about 8 yrs. Why doesn't anyone like CC substrate? Why do most posts deter against UG filters? Is it because they are reef aquarists? Or has the hobby changed so much in the past twenty yrs that we have come up with more efficient means of...
  19. ib4shore

    New Tank

    OK thanks, Things have changed since I set up my first tank. Back then it was customary to use "sacrificial" fish to cycle. I have also been reading some of the other posts. Which I had never thought of using a cocktail shrimp to cycle. This is a wonderful idea as not to kill any innocent fish...
  20. ib4shore

    New Tank

    No, the tank was free of anything but the enzymes. I added the fish to do the cycling. Should I have put some food in to start the cycle before hand?