Search results

  1. racerw

    Post pics of your animals/pets!!

    Here are my babies Akai & Mocha This is Skittles
  2. racerw

    Leopard wrasse

    I have had mine for several months & he seems to be 100% reef safe. It did take him several days before he would eat mysis, & just recently started eating flake.
  3. racerw

    The Babies Are Here!!!!!

    very cute. Good luck with them
  4. racerw

    What's your favorite Wrasse?

    That is a tough decision, I like my Lineatus & Rhomboid I can't make a decision between the two.
  5. racerw


    I would have to start off w/the C. Interruptus followed by the C. Debelius
  6. racerw

    Conspiculatus Angels

    requiem how big is he? what sizes are you able to get?? What is he eating & how long have you had him?? Very nice looking fish
  7. racerw

    Whats wrong with my Setosa (PICS)

    It is possible to get rid of nudis. I found out I had them several months ago. I took out all my montis and put them in a QT tank. Fragged the rim of all the montis where the nudis were eating them. I dipped them every 3-5 days for 3-4 weeks in Tropic Marin looked for eggs, if I saw eggs I...
  8. racerw

    Want a dwarf ANGEL

    I have a total of 3 different Centropyge angels in 2 of my reef tanks. I do not have a fisheri, but I have a fisheri/resplendens hybrid & have not had any problems. I have multiple clams in both tanks, one of the tanks is an SPS tanks & the other is an LPS tank.
  9. racerw

    Angel Contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    I love angels here are mine. I have a trio of these guys, but can not get all 3 of them in a picture and my last pair male Female
  10. racerw

    Warning: Dip all frags, regardless on where, and whom, you get them from

    Dipping is done to all my new corals (LPS & SPS)...I either dip in Lugols or Tropic Marin. For my clams I dip in freshwater & scrub w/a toothbrush to get all the nasties off.
  11. racerw

    Post Pics Of Your Clownfish

    thanks reefernana. I got mine from [hr] , but I know Sea in the City in Orlando Fl can get them as well.
  12. racerw

    fox face

    I have a 1 1/2" magnificent and a 3" magnificent in a 210 w/no problems...they actually like each other
  13. racerw

    wrasse fish

    I have a 210 w/a male rhomboid, male lineatus, six line, melanurus, radiant wrasse, solorensis wrasse and 2 labouti wrasses and I have no problems at all.