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  1. prowake

    sun coral

    I surf a breake called trestles about 3 times a week its fun a well knoe, so I see some pros out there so i have a blast.
  2. prowake

    sun coral

    I think were I live there are a little better waves so a fish is something u use in little waves jk. i have a 6'2 swallow tail by surf percription its fun just a little big. do u have any advice
  3. prowake

    sun coral

    thats my surf board. 6'0 custom shaped got like a mouth ago ts real fun
  4. prowake

    water problem any help

    coral beauty, two corals and two snails died but i think its because my water is to hot. its is this new heater it does not hold the temprature very well. I aslo have been ading more phyto max to help the corals grow but last night i accidently spilled alot in to my tank about the a hole squeez...
  5. prowake

    water problem any help

    Jbj light 96 watts 2 bulb, and a 9 watt in sump tetra UV Clarifier
  6. prowake

    water problem any help

    My tank has been up for 2 years. Should I start to do 15 gallons a week. Flame Angel Orange Shoulder Tang Maroon Clown 2 Rabbit fish Coral Beauty Bicolor Dotty back Toadstool Leather Sun Coral Anchor Coral Branching Flower Pot Flower Pot 2 Mushroom rocks Pipe Coral Brain
  7. prowake

    water problem any help

    my nitrate is 20 ppm and my ammonia is .50 ppm and nitrite is at 0. i have 55 gallon tank mith a wet dry and sea cone in sump protien and 9 watt uv light. I change 10 gallons a week of new water and noting realy dies but I lost a snail today and i was just wondering how bad my water is and...
  8. prowake

    sun coral

    my tank is 2 years old the coral has only been in there a week misuderstanding. Do you have any suggestions now that you know more
  9. prowake

    sun coral

    A week and a half. one thing I noticed is that circles increase in size during the night but there are no tenticals.WAter quality Nitrate 20 ammonia .50 nitrite 0 ithought the water in my tank was really good guess not Um I change 10 gallons once a week any suggestions? and can you also tell...
  10. prowake

    sun coral

    why does my corals tenecals never come out.
  11. prowake

    Post those nano reef pics!!!!!

    here is my girlfriends nano
  12. prowake

    post full tank pics

    55 gl hex
  13. prowake

    post those pics of tangs

    My Oarnge Shoulder Tang goin throught his juvi. change to an adult
  14. prowake

    My new 55 gallon Hex

    thanks for all of the compliments this took 2 years to put togeather. I have 36 inch jbj with two hallagens type lights 350 watts on each side of the JbJ compact.
  15. prowake

    My new 55 gallon Hex

    any suggestions
  16. prowake

    My new 55 gallon Hex

    here are some more pics
  17. prowake

    My new 55 gallon Hex

    i have been a hobbist over two years and I enjoy sea life. this past christmas i up graded to a 55 gallon hex from a 30 gallon ractangelar tank well this is how it has turned out so far comment and let me know what you think?
  18. prowake

    larva on my rocks

    thanks for all of your help I have came to the conclusion that they are q tip sponges i just dont understand why they are appearing now i have had my tan for two years
  19. prowake

    larva on my rocks

    Mine are little white larva type looking things that have string like material sticking out the ends of them.
  20. prowake

    larva on my rocks

    I have a question about little white larva looking eggs on my rocks that just started appearing a week ago. These larva have one little hole on the end of them, could they be filter snails devloping in my tank