Search results

  1. marksgirl

    Live Rock for sale in WI

    yep its a 55 gallon. No it is a very simple set up w/ canister filter, a really good starter tank for some one or a great addition to a larger tank:) ~Becky
  2. marksgirl

    Live Rock for sale in WI

    Right now every thing is still up for sale.. If you would take everything (rock tank, fish, etc.) we could work out a fair price. Thanks for the interest! ~Becky
  3. marksgirl

    Live Rock for sale in WI

    46cobraguy :The green stuff is some algae.. easily taken care of by crabs/snails/or certain fish. The rock is normally clean but I put some new, stronger lights in there and it caused some algae to grow. grzy: I have had the clowns for about three years now. I will take some pics and send them...
  4. marksgirl

    Live Rock for sale in WI

    Nope sorry I don't have any sand. Wish I coulda helped! Rock is still up for sale! ~Becky
  5. marksgirl

    Live Rock for sale in WI

  6. marksgirl

    Live Rock for sale in WI

    I sent you the pics.. hope it works. The rock, with some water, fits in two tubs. I could supply the tubs if you end up buying.. as I have some from when we moved the tank to this house. I am sure we could meet you somewhere.. I would have to talk over the details with my husband though.. cause...
  7. marksgirl

    Live Rock for sale in WI

    It has been in the tank for a little over 3 years.. it does have a good amount of coraline on it. I will take some pics this afternoon and send them to you. I am about 20- 30 min north of Milwaukee. Thanks! ~Becky
  8. marksgirl

    Live Rock for sale in WI

    Hello all! I am (sadly) getting out of the saltwater hobby for now. I have two kids (1 1/2y and 7 months) that take up pretty much all my time... and we are planning on another in the near future. I hate to see my tank get neglected so I am selling off my live rock and my few livestock for now...
  9. marksgirl

    Lighting Info

    Hello All!! After 3 years of having my tank I am ready to start making it a reef!! So my question is what do you suggest for lighting? I don't think I can afford the M H lighting right now.. but am only looking into mushroom and zoos really right now. I have a 55 gal.. hoping to upgrade to a 70...
  10. marksgirl

    Regal Tank seems sad

    Hello All, I have a question, we just recently moved and when we moved the fish tank we found that our bicolor blenny was missing, we just chalked it up to another of our tanks mysteries and didn't think much about it. But now I am noticing that my Regal Tank seems sad and just sits in a corner...
  11. marksgirl

    How to handle anemones?

    Hi, I was just wondering how you handle anemones when putting them in your tank? I am looking into getting one for my clownfish but was curious how you get it in there? Can you just handle it with bare hands or will it sting you? Just wondering how you all do it. Thanks!:) ~Marks Girl :joy:
  12. marksgirl

    how old is your oldest fish? poll...

    Mine would have to be my pair of true percs, they will be 2 years in Feb:) They were my first fish have survived a move and a run-in with the "demon damsel"... a green chromis that tried to kill everything!!! ~Marks Girl
  13. marksgirl

    Yellow Tangs and ich?

    Hi! I was wondering how prone yellow tangs are to ich? Are they as bad as the hippos? Or are they a little bit more hardy? Thanks!! ~Marks Girl
  14. marksgirl

    How prone are Blue Hippos...

    Just curious.. do yellow tangs get it as much as the blue hippos? Thanks! ~Marks Girl
  15. marksgirl

    How prone are Blue Hippos...

    Thanks for the advice!! I was thinking about getting one, but might wait till I am better suited to keeping one. I have had my tank up for almost 2 years now with no disease problems whatsoever, so I don't really want any to start! ~Marks Girl
  16. marksgirl

    How prone are Blue Hippos...

    How prone are blue Hippos to ich? Are they more so than your average clownfish? And how would you go about preventing the disease? Anyone that has some advice I would greatly appreciate:) Thanks!!! ~Marks Girl
  17. marksgirl

    so... what kind of car do you drive?

    The first time my (then) boyfriend picked me up t go somewhere was in a black 96 Mustang GT that he suped up and put loud exhaust on.It was clean as a whistle inside and waxed to a shine on the outside. Needless to say i was very impressed! ....... We are now married and have a daughter;)...
  18. marksgirl

    Purple firefish lifespan?

    Hello All:) Okay I have (or had) a purple firefish, he was always healthy, never had any problems. Lately I noticed that he would stay in his cave untill the afternoon sometime, and then I started to barely see him at all. I have not seen him for several days now, and as I said he has always...
  19. marksgirl

    live rock question

    Live Rock is definitly worth it:) If you can't afford a bunch at once.. maybe buy a little here and a little there. Marks Girl:joy:
  20. marksgirl

    3 stripe damsel and clown fish

    In my experience Damsels are evil and like to pick on other fish. Just my 2 cents:) Marks Girl:jumping: