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  1. litmus

    Late night 6 pack

    Thanks! Whats that black angelfish in your picture? I havn't seen one of those before.
  2. litmus

    mystery crab

    *Bump* Anybody? I agree that it dosn't look like a zebra.
  3. litmus

    mystery crab

    Blueleg for comparison
  4. litmus

    mystery crab

    Anybody know what this little guy is? I got him and a few like him with an order of blue legs. I'm thinking he's a zebra hermit but I'm not sure.
  5. litmus

    Late night 6 pack

    Full tank :happyfish
  6. litmus

    Late night 6 pack

    Crab looking cute
  7. litmus

    Late night 6 pack

    Hut .. hut .. HIKE!!
  8. litmus

    Late night 6 pack

  9. litmus

    Late night 6 pack

    Loopy wants to know what you're looking at :thinking:
  10. litmus

    Late night 6 pack

    Fish, crabs, and actinics. Wheeee :jumping:
  11. litmus


    I started out with one of those when I first set the tank up about two years ago, now I have about 30. From what I"ve read they are harmless and feed on algae and other detritus. Not to mention they are cool looking. :happy: They're hardy little guys too, survived a protein skimmer outage I...
  12. litmus

    my fish and his refelection?

    My Yellow Tang tries to fight with his reflection. That's why I named him "Loopy". He kind of pushes at his reflection like he's trying to get in position for a tail slap. Maybe some day he'll figure it out. :rolleyes: My chromis school towards the front of the tank, I think because the...
  13. litmus

    Got a Flying Gunard

    Neat fish! It's like a goby-lion.
  14. litmus

    Who is from the Cincinnati Area?

    Originally posted by DeJay Sweet what kinda tank do you have and whats in it? I've got a 75g with chromis, a yellow tang, a clown, a bi-color angel, two engineer gobies, and a lot of hermits and snails. I want to turn it into a reef but I figure that it's better to move the tank first and...
  15. litmus

    emerald crab vs. coraline algae

    I've noticed that both my hermits and my emeralds will pick at the coralline. You might want to try target feeding them. Take a sheet of seaweed selects or nori and place it on the liverock. Use a small rock or some other method to hold it in place (otherwise it will blow around the tank)...
  16. litmus

    Who is from the Cincinnati Area?

    Originally posted by DeJay Where at in KY? Near the Airport. Pretty close to Florence actually. I go to World of Pets on my lunch hour.
  17. litmus

    Bicolor Angelfish question

    I feed mine Formula 1, brine shrimp, and seaweed selects. He shares the algae clip with my yellow tang.
  18. litmus

    Who is from the Cincinnati Area?

    Cincinnati area here, although not for much longer if everything goes according to plan. :thinking: I'm be moving down to KY nearer to where I work.
  19. litmus

    "Does best in a species-only tank" ?

    Clown Triggers have a reputation for extreme aggression. Once they reach their adult size (up to 20") they may decide to declare war on the other tankmates. They can be quite territorial as adults and often do not tolerate other fish within their space. I don't know if this is for your 125g...
  20. litmus

    Success with blue and red legged hermits?

    I have bluelegs and scarlets. I've had the same 5 scarlets with 25+ bluelegs now in a 75g for over a year, without any problem. I do see the bluelegs wrestling each other and occassionally harassing the scarlets, but I've never seen a fatality come of it. I agree that the bluelegs are quite...