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  1. litmus

    will this combo work

    I'm not sure about the compatibility but I want to warn you that the powder blues aren't very hardy. They are prone to ick and other ailments.
  2. litmus

    skimmers vs. nitrates

    waste -> dissolved organic matter -> (eventually) nitrates A skimmer helps to remove dissolved organic matter, before it can become nitrate. While a skimmer dosn't remove nitrates directly, they do stop nitrates from being formed. So a skimmer (in the long term) would help to greatly reduce...
  3. litmus


    They look like small, brown anemones.
  4. litmus

    help with proposed tank setup

    Originally posted by jwtrojan44: <strong>Any ideas of what you want to put in there?</strong><hr></blockquote> I'm aiming for a semi-aggressive setup with a lot of variety. Maybe three or four medium size fish. I want the tank to be lively but not overcrowded. I definately want a triggerfish...
  5. litmus

    help with proposed tank setup

    I have an undrilled, sumpless 125 gallon tank that had previously been home to oscars and other such fish but is now empty. I would love to convert it over to a saltwater fish-only with live rock tank. Here's my proposed setup: 4-5 powerheads 125+ lbs of live rock A good, hang-on-the-back...
  6. litmus

    lr, i cant get it right

    You mean how to physically arrange them in your tank space, right? Larger pieces should go on the bottom. Smaller pieces on top. (This is probably obvious) You can either stack the rock up against the back glass, or make a stack in the middle of your tank. There are reasons why you might want...
  7. litmus

    harlequin filefish

    The fish in the store is the fish in the pictures. Thanks much for the info! Fortunately, I didn't buy him.
  8. litmus

    harlequin filefish

    My LFS just got one of these guys in. He's amazing looking with the blue coloring and orange dots. Anybody have experience with this fish? I found a little bit of info on the web that seems to indicate that they primarily eat coral polyps, are are hard to keep alive in an aquarium.
  9. litmus

    Heat is rising and heater isn't on

    I'll bet it's your lights. My tank temp fluctuates between 80 and 82 degrees depending on how long the lights have been on.
  10. litmus

    Question about compatibility

    I don't know the panther puffer specifically, however, puffers in general prey upon crustaceans. Therefore your shrimp and clean up crew are probably not safe with this guy. I feel reasonably sure about this, I don't know of an invert friendly puffer and would be surprised if one exists.