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  1. yardman4ev

    55 gallon setup, complete for beginners!!!

    its still for sale
  2. yardman4ev

    55 gallon setup, complete for beginners!!!

    Up for sale is a complete 55 gallon salty setup, theres about 20lbs of live rock in it, coral for the base, whisper 60 power filter, heater, prizm skimmer, 2 powerheads, and just the normal double light strip, i didnt keep any corals, so why bother right? comes with a wooden stand with one door...
  3. yardman4ev

    About this site !!!!! for all newbies!!!!

    I am only into this for about 3 months, and i gotta tell all you new guys, its cost $$$$$ big time, but, it is worth it, a saltwater aquarium is so beautiful compared to frestwater, just take your time, i sorta jumped right in, but, i too still have things to get, i am soon purchasing the rest...
  4. yardman4ev

    just a quicky!!! about my pump

    i have a 55 gallon running, doing very well, water is totally clear and everyone is doing fine, my question is, i have a whisper 60 power filter on the back, i haveent changed the filters yet, i was told not to do this, unless the water flow stops, is this true? just let them in there? i have 6...
  5. yardman4ev

    What happened to the anemone?

    I had the same issue, he would deflate, when irritated or pooping etc.... then would reapear, all normal again, they do this sometimes, mine did, infortunately, i was cleaning my tank and he floated loose and got sucked into the pump, ouchhhhhhhhh, so i guess im a murderer, i learned a leason...
  6. yardman4ev

    Just put in some live sand and rock, but haven't gotten a Powerhead yet. Is that bad

    Definately scrap the airwands, i had airstones in mine, and i caused nothing but problems, from cloudy water to microbubbles i couldnt get rid of
  7. yardman4ev

    thinking about changing from cc to ls

    Ok, heres my question, my 55 gallon is running for about 4 months now, i have some cleaners in there , shrimp, snails, crabs, and my tang really cleans my rock and picks at the coral on the bottom, but, ive noticed it starting to get browner, should i just vac it up? or change to sand? and if i...
  8. yardman4ev

    question about my girlfriends tank

    Ok, here we go, my girlfriend has a 55 gallon setup, and her fish are dyeing one by one, she has lost 8 in the past two weeks, so im asking for some input here, she runs a sump filter, has a skimmer running, her temp is always constant, ph, amon and nitrite are all normal, but her nitrate is off...
  9. yardman4ev

    live rock question

    yea, its cured, but its just expensive and i just spent a lot on the skimmer and all and im just going slowly now, all my fish are good, and i dont want to disturb the balance in there ya know? when more $$$$$$ becomes available, ill probably get the rest of the rock, but, for now i just add...
  10. yardman4ev

    live rock question

    i have a 55 gallon running now and only have about 13lbs of live in it, i know i need like 40 more lbs, but at the time i started, and even now, ive been just adding 1 new piece every week, is this ok, its just expensive right now to get the rest all at once, and even if i do, can it all be...
  11. yardman4ev

    cc starfish and anenomie ?

    i have two cc stars and a condy anenomie in my tank, i fed the two stars 1 shrimp each last nite, how often should i feed them this or is this just a treat once and a while? my condy also ate one, is it still the same? i shrimp a week? like the feeder fish i used to give him? and almost a...
  12. yardman4ev

    Please help !!!! tang issue !!!

    my yellow tang is nipping at my cleaner shrimp, is this normal? mabey im not feeding the tang enough?:help: :help:
  13. yardman4ev

    power head placement, please help!!

    i have a 55 gallon and i have a maxi jet on one end of it, kinda pointing up to current the top of the water, i got another one tonite and put it on the other side of the tank, blowing the oposite way, this one however doesnt have the deflector on the end, just the hole where the water blows...
  14. yardman4ev

    just some newbie stuff

    couple questions here, can anyone tell me how to intice my yellow tang to eat leafy stuff? he eats the pellets and blood worms now, and loves it, but, i was just wondering, and, is it true that my power filter, the cartridges i mean, i should never change? just let them in there permanent? i...
  15. yardman4ev

    condy anenomie

    hey, thanks for the advice, my anenomie came back again, all happy and roaming around,thanks guys !!!
  16. yardman4ev

    condy anenomie

    yea, he just like dissapeared, i cant find him anywhere, and i dont want to move the rock, in fear of hurting something or him ya know? and,why do they do this?
  17. yardman4ev

    condy anenomie

    i have a condy anenomie in my tank, and i know this is gonna sound weird, but, now i cant find him, i looked everywhere, and hes gone, checked all over, is it possible for him to bury into the coral? or should i wait to see if he comes out again?
  18. yardman4ev

    cloudy tank

    mine was the same way at first, cloudy as all hell, it actually took several weeks to all settle down and be totally clear, i was told it was the crushed coral causing it, with the filter running and the skimmer, it finally helped
  19. yardman4ev

    new tank pics !!

    Ill figure the pics out yet, anyway, everything is looking good so far, havent lost any fish, and i know need more live rock to give ample hiding, especially the tang, couple questions i have here, sometimes the tang, fades his color to a white, and swims very eratically around, then the next...
  20. yardman4ev

    new pics

    some pics !!!