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  1. nixpack

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    Oh, I'm about a 4 1/2 hour drive from you as I'm about 30 southwest of Chicago. Still, when I get my tank going it might be worth a drive. Have any new pictures you can share with us? ~Claudia
  2. nixpack

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    Hey, Joebuckmaster...where in IL are you? I don't have a tank yet but hope to have one set up within the year. I'd love to get some tank raised clownfish from you if you are selling your babies. Claudia
  3. nixpack

    JEBO tanks...any good?

    I went back and looked at the tank again today. There are a few in that petstore and they all have signs on them that say, "It's Really Glass!" But I'm suspicious. They don't feel like glass. I clinked around on them for quite a bit and couldn't really get the feel of them. They just seemed...
  4. nixpack

    JEBO tanks...any good?

    Ooo, I don't think the ones that I saw were that much. They were meant to look like stainless steel but were made of a lighter weight material. I've seen the little JEBO tanks plenty of times but have never seen a 60 gallon glass tank with curved sides, etc. Nice to look at. I'll have to stop...
  5. nixpack

    JEBO tanks...any good?

    I was at a local pet store the other day and I saw severl JEBO tanks there which I had never seen there previously. They had the lights and light switches built into the hood and I'm not sure if I'd like that or not (if the lighting wasn't good it may cause hassles to revamp), but the tanks...
  6. nixpack


    Hey, Lisa I've been offline for several days and haven't been reading the board here. So...who is Speedy? Claudia
  7. nixpack

    cycling questions...

    Thanks for the feedback, ebsOCHIN and WHO DEY! I can read all about filters and skimmers, etc. but it's hard to know which ones work best when you have no experience with anything yet. Lisa, are you going to start a photo album or website for tank progress pics? ~Claudia~
  8. nixpack

    baby clowns day 5

    Thanks for the pictures, Joebuck... Funny, I never thought I'd look at a picture of blurry, orange dots and think, "How cute!" but that's exactly what I am thinking. It's so cool to think that you have a tank full of baby clowns. The parents are beautiful. Can't wait to see more progress...
  9. nixpack

    cycling questions...

    OK, WHO DEY...I'm going to barge in on Lisa's post here and ask another filter question. I haven't bought anything yet and am still reading and doing my research. I'm planning on getting either a 55g or a 72 bow front tank. What filter would you suggest? I'm trying to get a price list...
  10. nixpack

    Pictures of Puffers?

    Ooo, he's cool, too. Is he in a reef and if so, is he behaving in there? I guess I want the best of both worlds...I want a Puffer (even a small toby), but I also want a reef tank. *sigh* And yes, Darknes, I'd love to see the video. Please email it to me. ~Claudia~
  11. nixpack

    baby clowns day 5

    Come on,'ve gotta post some pictures soon. I'm dying here! :) I don't care if they're blurry. How fun to see all those tiny baby clowns. ~Claudia~
  12. nixpack

    Pictures of Puffers?

    GoldPuffer...sorry to hear about your little guy. He was so cute. What a waste! How long did you have him? ~Claudia~
  13. nixpack

    Pictures of Puffers?

    Liquidonyx--Oh, wow! Look at that thing! Is that a Porcupine or one of the other types that has the spikes, too but they are always erect and don't lay flat like the Porcupine? His spikes just look so extra long. Thanks for posting! ~Claudia~
  14. nixpack

    Pictures of Puffers?

    Patty-- Can't wait to hear about Gandolf and see pictures of him when you finally get him. How exciting! If I could get a porc. puffer, I'd name mine Nigel. I don't know...just seems to fit the quirky little guys. And here's a werid question that is OT...are you a Luka Bloom fan by any chance...
  15. nixpack

    Pictures of Puffers?

    I'm so jealous of all you Puffer owners! (now there's a phrase I never thought I'd write!) Any of you who own a Puffer also own a webcam? I'd love to be able to check into a streaming video cam online and watch your tanks. Since I don't have a tank yet, I have to live vicariously. Here is a...
  16. nixpack

    Pictures of Puffers?

    swman~I'm glad you prefaced your picture with "just got done eating so he's resting," otherwise, I would have been horrified by the picture of the half-dead Puffer. :D That picture cracks me up...what a little pig. I bet he was quite happy at that moment. Thanks for posting it...
  17. nixpack

    Local Fish Store in IL

    Robchuck--Where exactly in DeKalb is Rod's Reef? I'm in DeKalb quite a bit and have a sister who lives there but I have never seen the reef store. Can't wait to check it out. I visited a store in St. Charles last week called Splah of Life. It's on the Corner of Rte 64 and LaFox Road. When I...
  18. nixpack

    Pics of my reef tell me what you think!!!

    Wait! have a Puffer?! What kind? How long has it been in there? Has it been OK with the corals? I'm so excited to hear this. I really want to eventaully establish a reef tank but I'm so crazy about Puffers and will probably have to sacrifice getting one if I really want the...
  19. nixpack

    saddle valentini puffer and lion

    Fishieness---do you have a reef tank? I know Puffers are not recommended for reef tanks but I'm hoping--against hope--that I can hear of a success story of someone keeping a Puffer in a reef tank w/o any problems. I haven't started my tank yet but I do really want a reef tank...and yet, I...
  20. nixpack

    They are finally here!!!

    Too cute! Keep us updated. Claudia