Search results

  1. bluto

    porky & valentini puffer ok or not w/reef?

    I've got a 4" porky who ignores all the inverts in my tank. However, I don't keep corals and haven't tried him with smaller fish yet. My gut feeling is that when I do get some smaller fish in with him he'll ignore them too...all he cares about is being handfed. My opinion is that they are very...
  2. bluto

    to many fish?

    I could have the best filtration system in the world, but that wouldn't make it OK to run a 20g tank with 2 lions and 4 triggers. Maybe you were in the business...but I also disagree with the statement that "every" area uses cyanide but Australia. I'm not disputing that cyanide is...
  3. bluto


    I tend to think that EVERYONE has plans to move up to a bigger tank...but how many of them actually do it is another matter entirely. A typical scenario is...a newbie buys a small/medium sized tank with "plans" to move up later. They stock the small/medium tank based on that 180g or 240g (or...
  4. bluto

    30 gal aggresive setup

    I agree the puffer shouldn't go into a 30g and advising otherwise is incorrect. But as a previous poster mentioned, fish DO have individual personalities. I've had a porcupine puffer in a 90g tank full of delicious inverts for almost a year and he doesn't even look at them. A big fish is a big...
  5. bluto

    Fighting Conch

    Von's right!! I had conch fritters in the cayman islands on my honeymoon a couple of years ago, GREAT! Bluto
  6. bluto

    Blue Spotted Jaw Fish

    It does, thanks. Bluto
  7. bluto

    skimmer vs uv staralizer

    I agree. A UV might eventually have some marginal benefit (it only works on free-floating organisms, etc.) in fighting parasitic infection, but you can accomplish the same thing for free (or close to it) by practicing carefull livestock handling and care (dips, qt's, etc.). A skimmer on the...
  8. bluto

    sea horses?

    From what I understand, they require specialized conditions (quiet tank, no bullies, low current, things to grab onto), are difficult to feed, and need to be fed often. However, my lfs advertises a tank raised species which is supposedly much easier to care for. Bluto
  9. bluto

    Blue Spotted Jaw Fish

    I don't want to start a brand-new thread (within a thread)...but I'm a little curious about Dragon Wrasses. Obviously there are quite a few people on this board who have them. I've always been interested in getting one, but every resource I've read says they require "expert care". The various...
  10. bluto

    Blue Spotted Jaw Fish

    Sammy, I'd love a little more info on that den as well. Maybe a sketch?? Thanks. Bluto
  11. bluto

    20 gallon salt tank

    I cycle with raw shrimp, so I don't know about damsels...but the basic chemistry is the same regardless of what method you use. Patience IS a virtue in this hobbby...but 3-6 months seems a little slow to me. My 90g cycled in 5-6 weeks with a LR/biowheel/raw shrimp combo. Bluto
  12. bluto

    Rio Pumps Suck!!

    Agree with everything you say. My skimmer came with a Rio 1400 and I have the same problem EVERY time there's a power outage. A real pain in the.... Bluto
  13. bluto

    Blue Spotted Jaw Fish

    Since we're on the subject of substrate. I'm thinking of picking up a gobie/shrimp combo. They also live in burrows. Is coarse gravel better than fine sand??. Since all I have is fine it possible to build them a burrow? I've seen pvc tubing mentioned in this regard in a book. Just...
  14. bluto

    Golden Butterfly(Chaetodon semilarvatus)

    From what I understand, it's one of the hardier butterflys and pretty expensive because they only come from the red sea. Bluto
  15. bluto

    20 gallon salt tank

    One more thing to add... Bubba, as far as the messy eater's thing goes...I understand that you have 3 oscars in a 90g and they're messy too, but trying to keep water quality stable in a 20g saltwater tank is a LITTLE different than keeping a 90g freshwater tank. You could probably drop your...
  16. bluto


    Was he smoking a cigarette?? Bluto
  17. bluto

    Biological starters?

    Never used one, so I won't tell you "don't". But, as far as the "first day" thing goes....unless I see the ammonia spike, followed by the nitrite spike, followed by nitrates and a water change...I'm not putting any fish in. Bluto
  18. bluto

    Red Slime Algae

    Do a search of the site under "red slime algae". There are several good threads discussing treatment. I'm currently having red slime problems myself, but I'm a little reluctant to go the chemical route. I thinks it's better to determine the root cause and correct it. When you say all your...
  19. bluto

    20 gallon salt tank

    I agree the lion shouldn't go in a 20g (or 29 quite frankly). But with regard to the venom...there probably ARE people out there who are deathly allergic to it, just like there are people who die from bee stings. The fact that there aren't any/more instances of severe lionfish reactions probably...
  20. bluto

    Protein Skimmers???

    I have an Emperor 400 filter, 4" DSB, and Remora Pro hang-on skimmer (great hang-on skimmer, IMO). I have no problems with the bio-wheels (biologically speaking), but I'm planning on moving to a sump system for better mechanical filtration and to get all that crap out of my main tank. When I...