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  1. shilpe

    Please help with my new 5gal nano

    What steps should I follow to set up my tank? How deep should I make the sand bed? How much rock should I use and should I just regular rock instead of live rock until my tank cycles?
  2. shilpe

    Please help with my new 5gal nano

    I have a 5gal hex tank that came with a light, and filter. I was researching setting it up as a s/w nano tank and wanted to get some feedback as to whether this is a good idea or not. I am looking to have it as a fish only tank, i understand I won't be able to have more than one or two fish in...
  3. shilpe

    New 5gal fish only tank

    I have a 5gal hex tank that came with a light, and filter. I was researching setting it up as a s/w nano tank and wanted to get some feedback as to whether this is a good idea or not. I am looking to have it as a fish only tank, i understand I won't be able to have more than one or two fish in...
  4. shilpe

    Home Depot Sand??

    Sounds good!! Thank you, thank you :joy:
  5. shilpe

    Home Depot Sand??

    Hi Guys, I remember reading a thread about using Home Depot Sand for the base in a tank. Is this true? And if so then what type/ brand do i get??? I need it for 150 gallon set up, figured it would be more cost effective than going to the fish store for regular sand. :needhelp:
  6. shilpe

    LS & LR question

    I informed my husband of our schedule for the next couple of days, he said he is ready to taxi me around to wherever I need to, for whatever I need! :D
  7. shilpe

    LS & LR question

    ok change of plans, i cant get to the store until monday to get LR for my tank, is that going to be a problem putting LR in my tank a couple of days after setting up the tank?? I planned on putting the sand and LS in this Friday. Also for my 75g should I add all the rock in one shot, or should...
  8. shilpe

    LS & LR question

    Sounds good, thank you for the help. I was going to work this Saturday, but screw that if I can do this in one day then I want to get started, ive waited so long. I know I have to be patient, but this is a big starting step. May be I will work half the day to help pay for the LR. Im so...
  9. shilpe

    LS & LR question

    when i set up my tank when do i put the LS and LR in the tank? Do i put everything in on the first day, or should I just put the aragonite in first? If so how long do i wait before I put the LS and LR in? please help, would like to start working on my tank this weekend :yes:
  10. shilpe

    LS & LR question

    Hey malounsbury, I will look up the info for you and get back to you. Cat ran off with the tape measure so i'll have to find it.
  11. shilpe

    Pictures of our tank-now 2 months old

    Peachyin tx, what kind of rock did you use for your tank??
  12. shilpe

    LS & LR question

    how much sand would i need for a 75g tank? i have regular sand, reef sand, and live sand. i would like the bed to be 3-4" deep.
  13. shilpe

    Cycle Question after the fact!

    im new to this too, i just wanted to confirm i am going about this the right way. I have to empty out my 75g this coming weekend and take apart the freshwater set up. I have regular sand, reef sand and live sand. How much sand should I add to get a 3-4" base, also when am i supposed to add...
  14. shilpe

    New fish/ inverts for beginners???

    Hey Sammiefish, Hey Lexi, Thank you for the info. Ideally I would like to have a dwarf lionfish and a puffer. Ive heard these guys will eat shrimp and crabs so what do I do in terms of a clean up crew. Could I put a ylw tang in a 75g?
  15. shilpe

    New fish/ inverts for beginners???

    I saw recently a post for fish or inverts that are not highly recommended for certain types of tanks, as a beginner I was wondering what types of fish or invertebrates would be good for beginners?? Any suggestions?? :thinking:
  16. shilpe

    Is this the right order for setting up my new tank?

    Hey lion-crazz, feel free to email me the refractometer info, and i still wanna see pics of your tank!!
  17. shilpe

    Is this the right order for setting up my new tank?

    I was going to use frozen shrimp to aid in cycling my tank instead of damsels.
  18. shilpe

    Is this the right order for setting up my new tank?

    Also, what do you think about getting a RO/DI? Are there are brands out there that you suggest? What should I look for?
  19. shilpe

    Pictures of our tank-now 2 months old

    Wow, thats a cool tank, it looks amazing. I really like how you set up the rock with all the hiding spots, its really cool. I hope my tank looks like that when its all set up. This is so exciting.:joy:
  20. shilpe

    Is this the right order for setting up my new tank?

    In terms of lighting I was talking to someone on here before, I was recommended to use a Zoomed Ultra Sun, and a Zoomed Reef sun, is that adequate lighting for the tank I am trying to set up?