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  1. finfighter

    Reef vs. Fish only tank

    If i had a fishonly tank id have tons of inverts. I like watching them do all the weird things they do lol. Id like to have a lionfish but theyre to uncompatible to keep really. Ill probly get a 4x65w outer orbit with 2 actinics and moon lights on it to watch the lil fishies and inverts at night.
  2. finfighter

    Reef vs. Fish only tank

    Wut are the advantages and disadvantages of both reef and fish only tanks? Is there a way to mix both good (like soft corals with low light requirment)? And is coral hard to care for and if so is having something that just sits there worth it?
  3. finfighter


    right about now im wondering whether to get a fish tank or a reef tank. I heard a mix of both doesnt work very well, anyone lookin at this had a successful reef/fish aquarium with more than just a few small fish?
  4. finfighter

    MH Pendant lights

    Wut exactly are mh pendant lights for and are they better?
  5. finfighter


    its pretty easy to cure ick so he wouldnt die from that
  6. finfighter


    well it either the lion or actualyl having a full non aggressive semi-reef aquarium so ill have to go with no lion :nope:
  7. finfighter


    I want to keep a clown too but the only clown i c an think of that will possibly defend itself would be the maroon....maybe
  8. finfighter

    New fish/ inverts for beginners???

    Gettin a 55 gal with a 20 gal sump
  9. finfighter

    MH lighting

    If i just needed mh lighting for one or two things in an aquarium could i just get a pendant for that side of the aquaium and have pc or VHO lights for the other side? The only problem i can think of is that anenomes move, and they might move to a bad place where they dont get the mh light. Also...
  10. finfighter

    New fish/ inverts for beginners???

    Im just starting out and theres one fish that i kno im getting no matter wut even though its not a "beginner" fish. The Lionfish. But im gonna study it for a while before i ever get it.
  11. finfighter

    new aquarium, what fish?

    The whole no anenoem with a pc light fixture just wrecked my dreams hahaha is the anenome even worth spending $450 dollars ona light for anyway?
  12. finfighter


    Lionfish are my favorite fish and i really wanna keep one and i was wondeing wut the chances are that it will attack soem of the more peaceful fish like clowns etc.?
  13. finfighter

    Anenomes and PC lights?

    55 gal tank and i think that they are 20 in high.
  14. finfighter

    Anenomes and PC lights?

    Is there any anenome that will survive well underneath a 4x65w pc fixture with 2 actinic lights also?
  15. finfighter

    LR and LS

    Ok then one kit of LR from here is enough then. Thnx.
  16. finfighter

    LR and LS

    If u have a 55 gal aquarium and u want to get LR and LS for it how many lbs would u need of both. (id liek to have alot of rock)
  17. finfighter

    RO/DI vs purchased H2O

    At my work they have a "glacier" machine that refills purified water for cheap too. Its more expensive in the long run but cheaper in the begining and that all i care about lol.
  18. finfighter

    Best beginner fish and coral?

    I want to keep coral and fish but more fish with just a little bit of hardy corals and an anenome for a clown fish. Can an anenome survive under a 4x65pc with 2 actinics? also wut corals could survive under the same conditions with fish around them?
  19. finfighter

    Best beginner fish and coral?

    ok no tank yet but it will be a 55. Iv got a book shipping now. and i plan to get a 48in. mh setup maybe with some pc actinics for the coral. and oh yeah ill have a sump around 10 or 20 gallons so i can keep more fish and coral.
  20. finfighter

    Best beginner fish and coral?

    Does anyone kno the best begginer fish and coral that still actually look good too?