Search results

  1. trigger111

    Baby Shrimp

    Only coral and a lawnmower blenny in my nano so I think I should be good...I took a closer look and there has to be close to 50 or so of them so if any survive I will have to transfer them to another tank.
  2. trigger111

    Baby Shrimp

    The cleaner shrimp in my nano tank must have bred because there are about 30 or so tiny tiny shrimp swimming in a corner. Is there something I should be feeding them to keep them alive?
  3. trigger111


    I'm building a house for a guy and he wants a tank recessed in the wall with the plumbing ran to the basement for the sump and what not. Can anyone help me out with this or point me in the right direction. I need a diagram and list of materials and equipment if possible. Thanks in advance!
  4. trigger111

    10 gallon question

    My hair algae is getting crazy...can i add a lawnmower blenny for a week or so then add him to my 90 gallon?
  5. trigger111

    Nano pics

    yeah what he said.... :yes:
  6. trigger111

    Humu and other fish

    My huma huma is fine with other fish. I have a powder blue tang, rainbow wrasse, tomato clow, percula clown and a hawain saddle puffer. I do have the same problem with him attacking my fingers though. He even bits my forearm when my whole arm is in there cleaning the tank.
  7. trigger111

    Nano pics

    thanks....any suggestions on what i should get to get a good display of color?
  8. trigger111

    Nano pics

    and what the heck is this? It came on the rock and I have no idea what it is.
  9. trigger111

    Nano pics

  10. trigger111

    Nano pics

    Here is a better picture the other two were pretty fuzzy.
  11. trigger111

    Nano pics

    I need about another 6 or 7 pounds of live rock but I want to add some hard corals in there. I have three different zoos, various mushrooms and ricordia's. I don't really know yet. I want to have a variaty of color but I still want my rock to show. I don't want it completley covered up...
  12. trigger111

    Nano pics

    Here is my nano....been up and running for two months. Still alot of work yet.
  13. trigger111

    12g nano cube for sale

    can you email a picture to
  14. trigger111

    WTB: 20" Fixture (like 80-96w)

    i got your email...i emailed ya back.
  15. trigger111

    20inch 96watt quadpin

    Brand new in the box 20inch Coralife Aqualight 96watt PC quadpin. Email me at if interested.
  16. trigger111

    WTB: 20" Fixture (like 80-96w)

    I have a brand new in the box 20inch 96 watt coralife quadpin light. Email me at
  17. trigger111

    peppermint shrimp

    Thanks alot for all of your input!
  18. trigger111

    peppermint shrimp

    how should i feed these guy? I'm not sure if he is getting any of the flake that i am dropping in.
  19. trigger111

    Anyone selling frags in WI

    looking for frags in WI anyone out there?
  20. trigger111

    Looking for frag and LR in Southern WI

    Title says it all. Email me what you have and how much.