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  1. trigger111

    10 gallon tank

    are the sweeping better than the stationary though? As far as creating current in the tank?
  2. trigger111

    10 gallon tank

    I got a zoo med powersweep 212 for the powerhead. Anyone know if this will be good for my tank?
  3. trigger111

    10 gallon tank

    what type of powerhead/ powerheads would be best to use?
  4. trigger111

    10 gallon tank

    Thanks alot for your input!
  5. trigger111

    10 gallon tank

    Thanks for the input....but why won't I need a filter?
  6. trigger111

    How many fish is to many?

    I have a 75 gallon tank. I currently have a powder blue tang, huma huma, tomato clown, perc clown, rainbow wrasse and a blue damsel.... oh yeah and an anemone. How many more fish if any can I put in the tank and any suggestions on a good fish to put in? I was thinking a blue hippo but I...
  7. trigger111

    10 gallon tank

    Can anyone help me out with the right set up for a 10 gallon tank. Such as the right filter, lights, etc.. I want to have some LS, LR, a few corals and shrooms as well as a perc. Also, how hard is it to actually keep a 10 gallon tank water peramiters good? I have a 75 gallon tank that i got...
  8. trigger111

    28 watt 50/50 coralife

    what type of lighting should i use for a 10 gallon? Also what type of filter and other equipment do you think that i will need for that size tank?
  9. trigger111

    28 watt 50/50 coralife

    Is this lite suffice for a 10 gallon tank? I plan on keeping some LR, LS maybe an anemone and a few coral.
  10. trigger111

    ??'s : Odyssea Lights, Ripples, And RO/DI Switch

    are you supposed to run the actinic lights during the day or at night?
  11. trigger111

    JEBO Lights

    That's what I have the new JEBO odysea. Not sure how to tell if the actinic are real or not though.
  12. trigger111

    Correct Feeding

    He ate a neon Dottyback.
  13. trigger111

    JEBO Lights

    It's an African Yellow...It seems to be doing fine in the tank.
  14. trigger111


    gotcha I thought that you were talking about the vile.
  15. trigger111


    why shake the bottle before putting the drops in?
  16. trigger111


    A tomato and a true perc....the anemone that I have is an African Yellow(at least that's what it was called in the store) I was just interested because I wanted to get more.
  17. trigger111


    Yeah I will take a sample to the LFS.....It's so hard to decifer between 0 and .25.
  18. trigger111


    Nope I don't have a protein skimmer....the top of my water doesn't looks ok....I didn't think that I needed one. That will help lower the amonia?
  19. trigger111


    Yes I am using tap water that goes through a water softener. The tank was set up for two years before I got it and it has been set up for two months since I got it. Everything is the same except I change the lighting to a 260watt JEBO. The water tests are all good except I am registering .25...
  20. trigger111


    I have a Salt Water Master Test Kit. The fish that I have in the tank are : Powder Blue Tang (Medium), Huma Huma, Rainbow Wrasse, Percula Clown, Tomato Clown, Blue Damsel, and African Yellow Anemone. My No2 is 0 and my No3 reads 0. The tank was set up for two years before I got it and it has...