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  1. norcal

    Can someone please identify this fish????

    yeah thats a milletseed for sure. we have those all over the place in the waters here in hawaii.
  2. norcal

    yellow tail damsels

    yeah.....woke up this morning and he is missing.......and there is a lump in the sfe neck......wonder what happened..... what if i get a bigger one? i have a tang in there that is about 2 inches and he has never been messed with by the eel.
  3. norcal

    yellow tail damsels

    will they school? i have one in my 55 with a sfe, small convict tang, some sort of goby and a chinese bar goby. if i get say 2 or three more would they school, or would they cause trouble? the reason i ask is that the one i have is hiding a lot and i am wondering if he would come out if he had a...
  4. norcal

    how do i......

    ok i will try the silversides. i have been very busy lately and havent had a chance to get to my lfs. the good news is that he ate a piece of shrimp today. only one small piece though. i will try getting some silversides asap. by the way, he likes the pipe i put in. hid in it all day today. off...
  5. norcal

    Help!! Sick Burrfish

    never heard of a burrfish. i think you should post this in the disease and treatment forum. beth will be able to help you. maybe a moderator could move this post for him??!! if they dont move it, just repost it over there
  6. norcal

    how do i......

    ok cool. i am going to set up a pvc pipe and bury it in the sand for him. have the ends come out in the rocks. that way maybe he will feel a little bit more comforatable. i will also keep it darker longer in the tank as well. ill try and get some squid and silversides. where would i get...
  7. norcal

    how do i......

    surely someone has some ideas or theories on this. my eel awaits.....
  8. norcal

    58 gallon

    by the way, get a snowflake for sure, i just got one the other day and it is the coolest fish i have ever had. so pretty and active and fun to watch. i just need to get him to eat now.... most people would say you should have a bigger tank to go aggressive, but i think if you have a good skimmer...
  9. norcal

    58 gallon

    i like flame hawks, hawaiian whitespotted puffers, maroon clowns, and i dont like yellow tangs, but you could probably get away with one in a 58.
  10. norcal

    how do i......

    ....get my new sf eel to eat? he is about 20 inches long and i have been trying to get him to take shrimp from a feeding stick but so far he is not having it. what is the best way to get them to start feeding. i have only had him a couple days so im not worried yet, but the sooner he starts...
  11. norcal

    snowflake ??/

    would a snowflake eel be ok with the following fish? 2 small convict tangs ( 1 inch and 2 inches) a zebra bar goby a velvet fairy wrasse the lfs has one that is about 9 inches and another that is like 15-18 inches. i would love the bigger one, but do you think it would eat any of my fish?? im...
  12. norcal

    lighting and algae

    so tap water creates diatoms. I am assuming that diatoms are brown algae from that post?. the weird thing about that is, my old tank was in northern cali, and now this one is here with me in honolulu. and i had very clean tap water in both places. so i just used it along with some chlorine/...
  13. norcal

    lighting and algae

    what kind of lighting causes brown algae to grow in the tank? does it depend on the light or is it something else that causes it. the reason i ask is that in my first tank, primarily green algae and purple coraline grew. now i have a new tank and all im getting is an orangish brown algae. is...
  14. norcal

    what are some other fish i should get???

    get a maroon clown. or how about a hawaiian whitespotted toby?
  15. norcal

    christmas wrasse

    thanks for clearing that up ophiura. that makes sense. i never really thought about the fact that there could be other bacteria or parasites in my tank that arent in the native waters. i will definetly keep that in consideration in the future. i think from now on instead of just catching a fish...
  16. norcal

    christmas wrasse

    Really?? I mean i understand that it can be bad to introduce non-native species to the the ocean. but do you think it is wrong to put him back? those fish are native to these waters and i just caught him like a week and a half ago. now what i do think i need to do is understand the native fish...
  17. norcal

    christmas wrasse

    well last night he decided it would be a good idea to take a couple scales off of my velvet fairy wrasse. so now he is back in the ocean where i found him in the first place.
  18. norcal

    christmas wrasse

    thallasoma trilobotom is the one i have. i caught him in the water here in hawaii. he is still small (5 inches) and very un-aggressive. i have him in my 55 fo with a little bit of live rock. ophiura do you think i should get rid of him? my tank is probably too small huh. he swims in circles all...
  19. norcal

    christmas wrasse

    anyone have one? i am trying to figure out what the eat, and any special care for them. thanks
  20. norcal

    what is this?!?!?!?!

    yup i think you are right....i google mole crab and i think we have a winner. it looks slightly different but i think the ones i saw were from the mainland US. maybe they look a little different out here i dont know. any theories on how this guy is alive in my copper treated tank?