Search results

  1. c2rn

    Starving Fish

    Yes, he actually eats the frozen food and works on the sand the rest of the time. Thanks for the suggestion on the worms. I'll have to give those a try. Is there any risk of introducing parasites with those live worms?
  2. c2rn

    Starving Fish

    We bought a Blue Cheek Sleeper Goby 2 or 3 weeks ago. The problem is that he seems to be starving to death right infront of our very eyes. All the water parameters are perfect (tank has been stable for a year and a half) and his tank mates are all peaceful. He was very shy for the first week or...
  3. c2rn

    Feeding Scooter Blennys

    Hi. I am lucky in that my scooter blennie loves to eat. The secret is to get the food right down to it so that the other fish can't steal it as easily. As I am sure you've noticed they are pretty slow non agressive feeders. Some people have had luck with a turkey baster. I work at a hospital so...
  4. c2rn

    Help with an Algae Blennie

    We have had an algae blennie for about 2 months and he seems to be doing fairly well. The only problem is that he will not eat anything we have tried to feed him. He like to clean the diatoms off the glass and picks a little hair algae off one of the rocks. But I don't think he is getting enough...
  5. c2rn

    How much calcium?

    I wanted to start adding a calcium supplement to my tank to encourage the growth of corraline algae. Could anyone reccomend a brand and what I should have the calcium levels in my tank at? Has anyone else had any luck with any other additives? Thanks! ;)
  6. c2rn

    How do I get my phosphates down?

    I was also wondering what the ideal level of phosphates should be. Is it good to remove it all or does coraline algae use it to grow like micro algae does.
  7. c2rn

    How do I get my phosphates down?

    I've been over run by hair algae and my phosphates are at 1ppm. Our rio was about to start sucking air in our wet dry and once it's stopped there is no telling if it will restart. So in a moment of desperation I added half a gallon of tap water. Big mistake. So I was wondering if the phosphate...
  8. c2rn

    Help! My poor Scooter Blennie is sick!

    Thanks for the reply Beth. I was wondering if you think the swelling will go down on it's own and how long it might take. Like I said the eye itself looks fine no signs of inflammation and it doesn't seem to bother her at all. It just is really painful to look at. :eek: As far as turning the...
  9. c2rn

    Help! My poor Scooter Blennie is sick!

    We came home today to find our scooter blennie with her right eye buldging way out of her head. The eye doesn't look cloudy and the swollen part is actually above the eyeball itself. It almost looks like there is a big air bubble trapped under her skin right above her eye. She is acting totally...
  10. c2rn

    I've Had it with Rios !!!!!!!

    I have had enough of Rio powerheads. I can appreciate the amt. of water they move but who cares when they are so freakin unreliable. :mad: I have been through 2 1700s and 1 800. We absolutely dred having to stop the pump for any reason because we are so afraid that it won't re-start. :eek...
  11. c2rn

    Lettuce Caulerpa?

    Anyone? :confused:
  12. c2rn

    Lettuce Caulerpa?

    Hi everyone. My husband bought this stuff the LFS guy called lettuce caulerpa hoping to help keep the nitrates down in our tank. But now i'm not sure if it's the right kind of caulerpa. It doesn't seem to have any roots so I don't think it can attach to anything. Also if I just leave it free...
  13. c2rn

    Healthy Diet for a Flame Angel?

    Hi guys. I have a flame angel that seems to be thriving in my tank :D . The problem is that he only likes to eat brine and mysis. I've offered him seaweed selects (brown and green), and spirulina flakes but he completely ignores it. I bought some frozen food that is made specifically for pygmy...
  14. c2rn

    Longnose Hawk

    My long nosed hawk was the exact opposite of yours. He took to his new surroundings immediately. He did and still does eat like a pig and is the most aggresive eater in the tank. Your's might still be getting use to his new home though. I've had fish not eat for a week before coming around. As...
  15. c2rn

    What's going on w/ my Flame Angel?

    My Flame Angel had a pretty bad case of ick that I've been treating w/ Cupramine in a hospital tank for about 10 days. The problem is that the ich seems to have gone away but now his color looks pretty dull and almost splotchy around his head. I had been doing 25-40% water changes avery other...
  16. c2rn

    cupramine copper and copper test kits.

    I am currently treating w/ Cupramine and bought a Red Sea test kit. I was a little suspicious because after adding the recommended dose I got a zero reading. So I filled the test tube almost half full of cupramine then salt water and re-tested thinking that I would get some kind of a reading for...
  17. c2rn

    When Should I See Results?

    My flame angel has been in the hospital tank for just about 3 days now w/ copper. The copper level should just now be getting to the concentration recommended on the bottle. When should I expect to see results? Granted there seem to be fewer spots in total but just when the spots fall away a few...
  18. c2rn

    Should I Treat Him or Not?

    We have LR/LS, several blue leg hermits and a cleaner shrimp. So I am gonna have to take him out to treat him I think.
  19. c2rn

    Should I Treat Him or Not?

    We have a Flame Angel that seems to be having a bout w/ ick. He had a few spots all over his body but w/ in a couple of days they seem to have mostly gone away. Now he just has a few spots on his tail. The reason I haven't already put him in a hospital tank is that he seems to be holding his...
  20. c2rn

    Can anyone reccomend a good UV sterilizer?

    Thanks for your input everyone ;). I was wondering is the Aqua a double pass sterilizer?