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  1. cl0wnfish

    Cycle Questions

    Your tank did cycle with the live rock. It most likely was almost cured so you didnt get much dieoff from that. Ditto with the live sand and seawater. As for the maroons, how many did you get? If you got more than two, return the rest. They will fight until there are only two left. If you...
  2. cl0wnfish

    Good information

    Welcome to the board!!! The day I stop learning about this hobby is the day I give it up. There is always something to learn and wanting to share this knowledge is a wonderful thing.
  3. cl0wnfish

    Seeding Base Rock

    Your best option would be to set it all up in your main tank as you want it with all the lighting and filters going. This way your tank will cycle and seed your base rock at the same time. Lighting go with 12 hours daily SG and temp the same as for tanks Water changes weekly (watch your...
  4. cl0wnfish

    Which sump/fuge design?

    In the last set of pics, I like the second one the best. Put a T connector so you have some water going directly to the fuge and some to the skimmer and you will be set.
  5. cl0wnfish

    could i put a percula and a black percula together

    I think they would be alright. I have a true perc and a smaller false one in the same tank and they get along fine. If you put them together watch them closely. If the fighting looks like it is more than the normal "who's on top" stuff, you may have to remove one or the other.
  6. cl0wnfish

    Feeding a BTA???

    Originally Posted by DEA_MT for lighting i have plenty...i have a coralife aqualight deluxe: 2 64w pc 50/50s and 2 64w pc true blue actinics. i also have the BTA at like the very top of my pile of LR almost directly underneath my 50/50 and i think he's gonna stay in the spot he's...
  7. cl0wnfish

    Why my clownfish die?

    Hold off adding any more fish until your ammonia and nitrite is zero. Do 10% water changes every 5 days to get the nitrate down. They probably died as a result of stress from shipping combined with sub-optimal water conditions.
  8. cl0wnfish


    Originally Posted by Tuna Dan tight tight my are sleeping seperate right now if i get them to host something they will sleep together? Maybe, maybe not. They will eventually get togeather once they figure out that there are no other clowns around. As far as hosting, captive bred clowns...
  9. cl0wnfish

    Feeding a BTA???

    Typically it will snag some food from the water column that you feed your fish. I also give mine a little peice of squid or shrimp (about the size of a pea) once a week for extra nutrition. Strong lights is the best food for one in the long run. How much lighiting do you have? As for your...
  10. cl0wnfish


    Possible, but they may be small enough that they are still sorting things out between each other. They are notoriously agressive when sorting out who is female. Females typically are 4-5" in length so I think you are alright there. As for your other fish, if you have a decent sized tank (40+...
  11. cl0wnfish

    can i mix clown species???

    Originally Posted by Blitz99 i wasnt planning to add anytime soon... i know i have a few weeks left until it's safe... i'm just planning ahead, thats all. Smart move. It really pays to plan ahead and get it right the first time.
  12. cl0wnfish

    Finally upgraded our lights, and now the clown fish is acting wierd...

    Originally Posted by CharlieD BTW, the new lights i bought are 190w, i still have my old lights on there as well. they add an extra 30 watts. that makes a total of 220watts - is that enought to keep an anemone? Charlie If your tank is no bigger than 55 gal, it is borderline for condys and...
  13. cl0wnfish

    can i mix clown species???

    Oh yea, your clown will regain his looks in time. Keep feeding him and get him to a hospital/QT tank. He will recover and the ich outbreak will fallow out in 4 weeks so he won't be constantly fighing off new infections.
  14. cl0wnfish

    can i mix clown species???

    Wait to add new fish until everyone in the tank has been disease free for it least 4 weeks. If your clown is not 100%, the clock has not started yet. If you add fish now, they may get ich that is still living in your tank and you won't break the cycle. This is why a quarantine/hospital tank is...
  15. cl0wnfish

    Site Changes, What Do You Think

    I do like the new look. The font is small, but that can be changed. Also, how does one go about contacting an administrator? I have sent several emails and gotten no reply. A contact link would be good. Love some of the new smilies.
  16. cl0wnfish

    For all you reef experts...

    You just added a ton of bioload to your tank. Wait a few weeks before adding fish. I agree with the anemone comment but have somehting to add. Mixing anemone types is asking for chemical warfare in your tank. Unless you get lucky (many do) and they take up residence in opposite ends of the...
  17. cl0wnfish

    Coral Beauty Questions

    Totally normal. He is just picking at things on the rocks that you can't see (food for him).
  18. cl0wnfish

    Crabs and Coral Question

    The shrimp, yes Lightfoot crabs, probably not Arrow, sometimes. I have heard of them doing fine for years and then the one I had, it actually attacked my favorite clownfish and injured it. Then it killed my peppermint shrimp. Godzilla went back to the pet store. So do it at your own risk.
  19. cl0wnfish

    you know youre a reef addict when...

    Thought of one more You contemplate buying night vision goggles so you can see everything in your tank at night
  20. cl0wnfish

    you know youre a reef addict when...

    ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Just tasted the salt mix, strange. How 'bout: -You carry pics of your tank, fish and corals but none of your girlfriend or kids -Your tank gets better water than you do -Your fish and corals eat better than you (prime seafood vs Ramen noodles) and finally, -You go nuts...