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  1. xan

    Clown with no stripes?

    poor clownfish, he has no stripes, I bet the other clownfish made fun of him :notsure:
  2. xan

    My 2.5 pico reef mini fuge

    Hey guys, I am sorta new here (as a member, I look for advice here all the time) and I have to ask what you think of my Pico! I just did a DIY Fuge I am proud of, I'd buy a good one except I'm a poor teenager (16). Here I am to show you mainly the fuge part, I made it tonight, took like an hour...
  3. xan

    Do Flame Scallops have eyes?

    hmmmmmm I'll have to look that up! Hmmm I hope it is eating, maybe I'm being decieved? :thinking:
  4. xan

    Do Flame Scallops have eyes?

    I recently acquired a flame scallop (I know they're fussy eaters, almost impossible) and I feed him 3 times a day using Kent Micro-Vert food, wasn't sure if it would actually work. Well I use a syringe to feed him and it seems that when he's not being fed his tentacle things are shorter, but...
  5. xan

    I have a confusing predicament?

    I tried to, but it keeps coming out blurry :notsure: . I keep thinking its my hand shaking or something but I have others in my tank, maybe I can shoot one of those? Its a brown thing that has little tentacles and a lime green center in it, but it doesn't look like it'd be a zoo
  6. xan

    I have a confusing predicament?

    here it is: the brown spot is the majano anem, or some sort of zoo, it closes like a zoo, but it looks like a majano
  7. xan

    I have a confusing predicament?

    yeah its actually on the leather which I find odd :notsure: . Hmm I'll try to post a pic, lemme get one for ya bigarn
  8. xan

    I have a confusing predicament?

    Hi guys, I have an odd predicament that I must ask you about. About 2 weeks ago I got a piece of LR with some Leather coral on it, the coral is doing fine, except one has like a majano or some type of zoo imbedded and growing on one of the leathers! They are about an inch or two high and seem...
  9. xan

    What type of coral is this?

    I bought some live rock a week ago and I got a few of these small polyps and a big pimple mushroom, now these are growing by the day, what are they? Sorry, the pic is kind of fuzzy, I keep shaking when I take the pictures . They have like small little stems coming off of them like brown...
  10. xan

    Why Are All My New Fish Dying?

    oh nono, I gave the other clownfish to my brother, who also has a tank. She seems to be fine there and is getting along with the other fish. My tank now only houses one Tomato clown, if he gets too big I shall upgrade :). And yeah my sandbed is only about 4-5 inches, are there any small...
  11. xan

    Why Are All My New Fish Dying?

    Well yeah my alk. seemed to be okay according to the strip I used (should I keep using those or not?) cause my LFS uses liquid stuff and they actually know what they are doing. Well I took your advice and I got a nice new clownfish, its very healthy as of right now and I hope it stays that way...
  12. xan

    Why Are All My New Fish Dying?

    Well I have about 12 pounds LR and 20 LS, umm levels Nitrate- 0 Ammonia- 0 Nitrite- less than 10, its really low pH- 7.9 I don't usually test for alkalinity and calcium because I have no corals My clownfish is quite territorial, I was thinking another perc since she had a mate before, just gotta...
  13. xan

    Why Are All My New Fish Dying?

    For the past 2 months every fish I've put into my tank has died, even though my levels are perfect, everything at zero, its a 10 gallon nano and my clownfish lives happily in it. I don't understand, my last fish looked quite healthy when I got it, a jawfish, I acclimated him as this site said...
  14. xan

    hypo on 1 gal tanks

    yeah, a 1 gallon is def. too small, I have a 2.5 pico and once my sg reached like 1.030 or something crazy, just from 2 days of evap!
  15. xan

    Help, Pymgy Angel is looking bad

    nevermind all, it was too late for him :(. I was treating him in my QT with MelaFix, but no I didn't notice any ich, sorry about the pic, the camera is baad.
  16. xan

    Help, Pymgy Angel is looking bad

    Hi guys, I have a pygmy angelfish who I found a few days ago with a bit of a cloudy eye, so I did a water change and bought some medication (Mela Fix) thinking it would help him, he seemed fine today, but tonight in my main tank he was lying on his side, I put him in my smaller tank and other...
  17. xan

    Sick Maroon Clown, weird behavior

    Hey all, this was forwarded to me by a friend and he wanted me to post it here so any help would be great! [hr] Hello, I have two maroon clowns, one is yellow striped the other is just a regular white striped. I have them both in a ten gallon tank with about 8 lbs of live rock and live sand...
  18. xan

    One clownfish in my pair died, get a new one?

    yeah the one that just died was like 1/3 her size so they got along quite well
  19. xan

    One clownfish in my pair died, get a new one?

    Hi guys, unfortunately after a filter breakdown and an accidental food mishap, my little boy clownfish died last night as a result. I tried to do a major water change, but just couldn't save him. Now, would I be able to get another small male for my female? When I got my first male, they took...
  20. xan

    Help! I've got a problem on my hands!

    well my SG is at 18 due to water change and I don't want it to go lower in danger of my fish!