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  1. xan

    Help! I've got a problem on my hands!

    okay guys, I blame this on my current flu, but today I went to feed my 2 clownfish (10 gal nano) their morning food and the flakes spilled out all over the tank! I did my best to get the flakes out, but now my tank is really murky and cloudy, before it was crystal clean! My clowns are a bit...
  2. xan

    I found something weird!

    It may be some kind of Sea Hare, not really quite sure
  3. xan

    Child Molester Walks

    I'm just mad because he still has the titles to all those Beatles songs :P. STUPID jackson, even if he didn't do it, he deserves to be locked up for weirdom......
  4. xan

    new 5g nano

    feather duster and shrimp would be fine. get about 10 narcissus (sp?) snails, I have a 10 and I have about 20 0_o. and hermits, just ge the kind that will not kill your snails for their shells, I'm not positive which kind so you'll have to find that out, sorry ^_^!
  5. xan

    My Pseudochromis had a seizure and died?

    I have a strawberry pseudochromis who was fine until about a few weeks ago, he didn't eat much and spent all of his time on one side of the tank where he used to move freely. Today my mom noticed he was lying on his side, but about 5 minutes later he was back rightside up and was fine. now he...
  6. xan

    Three Months

    very nice bang!!! can you post the specs and stuff please :) ? Wish my tank looked that nice, but it will over time I hope :yes:
  7. xan

    Star Wars 3: revenge of the sith

    actually schubert, I'm a star wars fanatic and almost every one of those aliens and characters has an extensive background information and what planet they are from, etc... Very detailed stuff if you are a High School nerd like me :P
  8. xan

    My New Ocellaris Pair!

    Hi guys, i'm new to posting in the forums, I just wanted to tell you guys that I think I have a mated pair! I have had my clownfish since november and I just got a small mis-bar one today and right away they got along and don't leave each other! My first clownfish like hosts a clay flower pot...
  9. xan

    selling 12 gal nano with corals, fish,rock etc in florida

    how much just for the lights? or are you selling it all as one big thing? list the prices if you can :happyfish ....oh no shipping, nevermind :)
  10. xan

    Something eat my camel shrimp?

    Hey guys I have a 20 gallon nano and just bought 2 camel shrimp. About 2 hours later I looked and only saw one and then looked a bit harder and saw a few legs (dismembered) of the other one. I checked it all out online and all my fish seemed to get along with it, here's what I have: 1 false...
  11. xan

    5 gallon nano

    no wrasse for sure, no fish at all I would assume, but this is just my experience. As for the others I'm not quite sure
  12. xan

    Clownfish hosting clay flowerpot?

    My ocellaris clown in my 10g nano seems to love this clay flowerpot I recently added into the tank. He spends most of his time in it and sleeps in it as well. He does come out, but he seems to love this pot, could he be hosting it? Or is it just wishful thinking ?
  13. xan


    Hi, I am an aquarist with a nanocube and I encouraged my friend to go marine with his 29 gallon tank he is going to buy. Well he is dead set on this bio-spira stuff to supposedly cycle his tank in 2 days instead of taking my advice and letting it cycle on its own with a piece of table shrimp...
  14. xan

    Florida Condi's free!!!!

    if you could tell me the shipping cost I may want one of them
  15. xan

    FS: Oceanic 37 cube, stand, canopy, and more!

    how much would it be to ship live rock to Erie, Pa?
  16. xan

    Anybody need some snails?

    rats, I needed like 5 of them for my nano, if you have any extra.