Three Months

bang guy

I need to do some rearranging I think but I'm pleased. I'm really glad this forum is here for research. Thanks everyone!!


very nice bang!!!
can you post the specs and stuff please :) ?
Wish my tank looked that nice, but it will over time I hope :yes:

bang guy

Originally Posted by bigarn
Looks great .... are you using any mechanical filtration? :D

Originally Posted by Xan

very nice bang!!!
can you post the specs and stuff please :) ?
Thanks! :)
No mechanical filtration.
standard 10 gallon tank
120 watts of VHO, 2 ActinicWhite, 1 SuperActinic off an Icecap660.
2 Rio 50 powerheads
DIY air driven skimmer
1/2" live sand bed
15 pounds of dry baserock (dumped into the Lagoon for a month)
Autotopoff using limewater
All livestock including cleanup crew, fish, and corals were propogated from my Lagoonal Reef.


i'd throw some base rock in your lagoon any day

theres a market niche right there
buy base rock
drop into lagoon
mark up 100% and sell on YAYbay

bang guy

Originally Posted by Laddy
Montipora Digitata???
M. digitata, M. capricornus, M. spumosa, and M. confusa
There's a pattern there ;) LOL


Active Member
Hey no fair if you've plumbed it into your lagoon :joy: :joy: I don't believe an 810g tank qualifies as a nano.........

Looking good.....what are your future plans?

bang guy

Originally Posted by Laddy
Hey no fair if you've plumbed it into your lagoon
It's not plumbed into anything. Completely stand-alone.


Hey Bang, I'm kinda new to the forums and have heard a lot about your lagoon. Is there pics somewhere I can see this thing? Thanks

bang guy

Originally Posted by ScubaNoah
Wow! Thats incredible. Is it in your house?
It's in the basement. It used to be 100% refugium but now it has fish & corals.


Active Member
very nice bang. my wife is painting the back of our nano to. she is a great artist and does some amazing stuff IMO.
is that supposed to be like a van Gogh? It has the same style