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  1. wocka1

    Sunday four pack.

    Thankyou, he just recently got a new head, from 2 heads to 3. hes growing!! :cheer:
  2. wocka1

    Sunday four pack.

    This is my 30g cube mantis reef tank. Theres two pics on a new piece of zoanthid coral I got for 10$. Theres also a pic of my frogspawn and mantis hanging out then a close up of jhock teh shrimp.
  3. wocka1

    Bad Bubble Algae Situation

    How is it possible that not one person knows how to get rid of this stuff?
  4. wocka1

    Bad Bubble Algae Situation

    I have a ton of green bubble algae in my mantis tank, He will eat any emerald crab he sees and he patrols his home often. Is there any way I can rid this stuff?
  5. wocka1

    New update of 30g cube

    yea i love the shrimp and like that i can have coral too, fish are too boring once u see this guy. i usually feed him frozen krill and will some times see him eating a snail. i had a blue damsel fish in there for about a week and a half and then one morning i woke up with it being in my...
  6. wocka1

    ..Got brains?

    Check out my brain. :D
  7. wocka1

    New update of 30g cube

    Heres a full shot of my 30g cube mantis / coral tank. Got this new green brain today.
  8. wocka1

    Few questions about open brains

    I just mowed the krill and it almost looks like his mouth is starting to open, so im gonna give him 10 more mins then turn the circulation back on
  9. wocka1

    Few questions about open brains

    Hehe, yea maybe 4 hours ago and now im trying to make him eat! Think I should just wait till tomorrow? What about feeding him every other day?
  10. wocka1

    Few questions about open brains

    So far, maybe an hour or 2, the feeders are still not out. I placed a piece of krill onto him and lets see if he grabs it :D Do I need to place it by the mouth?
  11. wocka1

    Few questions about open brains

    Thanks Tizzo, my brain seems to have a hard bottom but is very healthy looking.. hope he doesnt die. What do lunar LED lights do? Will they bring out his tenticles
  12. wocka1

    Few questions about open brains

    I just purchased an open brain and was wondering if the bottom of him should be hard with no tissue covering it. He looked pretty healthy and puffy at the LFS (where I work) and was wondering how I can get him to take to food. Also, what type of food should I feed him I got krill...
  13. wocka1

    Saturday afternoon 5 pack.

    Its a mantis only reef. I still dont understand how the cleaner shrimp has not be found, hes hiding in the rocks :D My mantis shrimp doesnt harm any corals. And im not sure if hes male or female but i named him Jhock
  14. wocka1

    Saturday afternoon 5 pack.

    Here are 5 pictures of my 30g cube reef acrylic tank. With my beloved peacock mantis shrimp. Enjoy.
  15. wocka1

    Time for a water change?

    My skimmer is an Excalibur 100.. One of my powerheads was off and it might of been off for a few days who knows, I'll probly end up doing a 5g water change sometime in the next week to try to elimate that gunk When I first purchased my skimmer the skim was really chunky and a really dark brown...
  16. wocka1

    Time for a water change?

    indeed i do have a skimmer running but the skim looks so weak now that i have a sump
  17. wocka1

    Time for a water change?

    Ive had my 30g cube tank set up for a month and I notice this sort of light green/brown film going on the top of the fishtank.. Think I need to do a water change?
  18. wocka1

    Wocka's 30g Reef Update

    its not :)
  19. wocka1

    Wocka's 30g Reef Update

    That clown is only like 2-3", hes right next to the glass :D
  20. wocka1

    Wocka's 30g Reef Update

    Here are some new shots of my fishtank.. Enjoy