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  1. subvillian

    Tell me what you think!! No water changes!!

    Yea ill post some pics this evening. when i get home. check back around 8 central time.
  2. subvillian

    Tell me what you think!! No water changes!!

    I Could be wrong but i was under the understanding that waste products got broken down with a deep substrate bed. Also dont hermits and crabs play apart in this breakdown as well as many hitchhikers. Its not that nothing has died as much as the about of growth i have seen in corals, coraline...
  3. subvillian

    Tell me what you think!! No water changes!!

    No that come across fine. I do need to make requent water changes and i did yesterday 5gl to 40gl tank. But nothing has died and everything is multipling like crazy right now. When i did the change i had my new mix next to the tank water. And the bucket with the old water was pretty gross...
  4. subvillian

    Tell me what you think!! No water changes!!

    Baton Rouge watson3
  5. subvillian

    Tell me what you think!! No water changes!!

    never seen that one.
  6. subvillian

    Info For A New Setup

    From what i understand now is there are many differnent types of filtration systems. and things have really changed in the last 10 years to the hobby form what i understand. I would do alittle research befor you buy anything. There seems to be the best ways which is the lots of equipment way...
  7. subvillian

    Okay, fish experts!

    I think the best time is getting pass the cycle. I loved the stess of monitoring the lvls and the excitment of it coming around just like i had read. Could not wait to get ride of the damsels.
  8. subvillian

    Tell me what you think!! No water changes!!

    Also my clown and shrip seem so happy they eat there food sitting in the palm of my hand together. Its like a perfect little happy tank.
  9. subvillian

    Tell me what you think!! No water changes!!

    only the clown fish and shrimp. lvls are always great no spikes. And the size is 40 gallons. I did alot of changes early in cycle and post cycle but around april last year i just stopped changing an checking with the test kits. I test just about everything too and every now and then my calcium...
  10. subvillian

    Tell me what you think!! No water changes!!

    For one year now i have moved my tank to 2 diffent locations. I have not done a single water change in one year. I transfered all the water in my tank to the new locations. In this time i have only done top off RO water and added the product Purplue Up once a week. My Corlline algea is going...
  11. subvillian

    They look like Ants.....

    i have had my tank for over a year and ahalf an see thos little things all time they have never cused any harm to anything in my tank. But not sure really what they are or what they do.
  12. subvillian

    wow are hydrometers this inaccurate

    I was just reading a book on water chemisty. And they just mentioned that most hydrometers are calibrated at a 60 degree Temp. which directy effect the specific gravity, since most reef tanks stay at a temp of 76- 79 degrees. There was a formula to convert it with your temp if you would like...
  13. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

  14. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    Ok Here is my tank after UV sterilizer. Only ran it for almost 2 days. and its been 2 days i guess Off. you can see the difference and my levels are all stable.
  15. subvillian

    How Soon to Add...

    PH is a little high to.. 8.3 i think is standard
  16. subvillian

    How Soon to Add...

    Umm...tell us alittle bit about your tank!
  17. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    Ok i just got a UV sterilizer yesterday and this morning there is great improvement!!! Finally some peace :) I will run it for 2 more days and then turn it off. I hear mixed feelings on running it all the time. Was also thinking about getting some carbon. Is this bad for a reef tank? To...
  18. subvillian

    Help green algae on aquarium walls and equipment

    Get a Sea slug or Sea hair. they are big ugly slugs that feed on algea in large amounts If you got that much algea growing he will destroy it.
  19. subvillian

    snails are disappearing from shells

    i have found 4 snail shells now with no life inside.. Only guess is the hermit crabs are eating them is this possible?? Will the hermits get the snails?? There is also emerald crabs in the tank but never see them around. Other snails seem to be doing fine.