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  1. subvillian

    Green water = Plankton?

    i use RO water only. And its impossible for sun light to get in that room. Any other ideas as to the source
  2. subvillian

    Green water = Plankton?

  3. subvillian

    bubbles algae

    from time to time i see both of them. One molted and i thought he we dead. but they are both still kicking it.
  4. subvillian

    bubbles algae

    I had a piece i took out and pulled the bubbles off with tweezers. Check ever spot closely then rinse it off with fresh water. Worked for me. I also got some emeral crabs just in case it showed back up. Its been 3 months and no more bubbles.
  5. subvillian

    Green water = Plankton?

    What could be some possible problems that could cause the bloom to keep apearing??
  6. subvillian

    Green water = Plankton?

    I have my protien skimmer running 24/7 and i do a 25% water change a week. I have been told to turn my lights off for 2 to 3 days. that kinda cleared it up. but I turn my lights on for 4 hours and its coming right back. I can not shake the green water. LFS says its plankton and to run a UV...
  7. subvillian

    Green water = Plankton?

    lfs said i had plankton bloom. Said run a UV sterilizer for a few day. Should i have any concerns. Or does anyone have any other solutions??
  8. subvillian

    any trading in louisiana?

    great send me his info My email is
  9. subvillian

    any trading in louisiana?

    Wow great to see peeps in south east La. I am in Hammond but hoping to move to BR soon. I only go to Mark's Marine but would love to check out other places. Mr. Fish in Mandeville is a really cool store but they never have saltfish stocked. Also i have only had my tank up for 5 months now and...
  10. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    THX Everyone for there posts? I am leaning toward it being a lighting problem. In the morning it looks more clearer but in the evening, after the halides been on the water all day, it looks real think. Like this morning i could see it cleared up a little. I am going to starte regulating a...
  11. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    Intresting stuff guys!! Not tring to butt heads here Reef Nut. But i am just alittle scared that carbon is going to release phosphates in to the system. I been researching carbon on line and there appears to be a tossup on what is the right kind... there is activated ultra activated and Acid...
  12. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    No there are no windows in this room and non visible from the door way. But thx for advice.
  13. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

  14. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    YEa but non of that helps me with my algea bloom. Could there be a dead snail i am not seeing. Or can molted shell from a emerald crab cause my ammonia to rise?? Is there something cridical causing this?
  15. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    what do you mean acclimate my lighting?? its been on there sence i started. I posted the phosphates. I said 0.0.. I was told to keep gravity at 1.022.. Are there different types of Carbon? which kind do i get??
  16. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    Here is pics of my set up
  17. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    ok here it goes PH 8.0- low need to add more buffer KH 10 Ca 480 NH ( ammonium) .40 Weird have not seen that much in a while ( remember no fish) NO2(Nitrite) 0.0 PO (phosphate) 0.0 NO3 (Nitrate) 0.0 Gravity 1.023 40 gl hex with refugium and protien skimmer 45 lb LR 1in sand bed i use Purple up...
  18. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    Check back here at 12:55pm. I will post it then. I will be on my lunch break and i can check all then. O yea thats Central time.
  19. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    I believe its 24'' 280 watts
  20. subvillian

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    not sure i'm at work right now i will check in a min or at lunch. I run them form noon till about 10 pm so 10 hours usually. let me check on watts..