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  1. subvillian

    Contruction on my Live rock

    Something is building a tube on my live rock. It is about a quarter of an inch long and being contructed out of sand. What is it and is it bad??
  2. subvillian

    New coralline??

    GREAT!! then my tank is about to be a boom town. Cuse its got alot of color just no put together chunks. ANy better ways to make it grow faster?? I got 2 different CAlcium treatments and a alkalintiy stabalizer.. If i run my lights all day and night will it really take off??
  3. subvillian

    New coralline??

    Can anyone tell me or show me what new coralline growth would look like?? I got spots of purple on all my pieces. but one in perticular has lots of pink, reds and purple lightly spread allover it. SEE the others look like chunks of spores but this new growth looks like light spray paint. Is...
  4. subvillian

    NEW TANK ALGAE help me pleasseeee

    Lawnmower Blenny. Fun and they eat all the algae
  5. subvillian

    tank is crashing!!-!

    Hey Wax where are you living now after the hurrican?? I now live in Hammond La.
  6. subvillian

    How Many (gph) From Tank To Sump???

    HEY Wax????
  7. subvillian

    Skunk Cleaner

    I see your from gretna wax32. Where did you evacuate to? I am in Hammond La. Now
  8. subvillian

    Skunk Cleaner

    hey wax you said you had that shrimp before katrina. what happened?? I ask because i lost a whole house in katrina with my first tank?? Diamondhead Miss.
  9. subvillian

    Pregnant Damsal??

    I think i have a pregnant Damsal. Its belly is getting alittle big and it chases the other 2 damsels all the time. Is this possible and what should i do about it???
  10. subvillian

    What is RO water?

    reverse osmosis, type of filtration. there is also distilled, you can find both in your local grocery store. they are both drinking water
  11. subvillian

    Can a starfish live with...

    When i first started my first tank i put a chocolate in on the first day and it survived. but it ate everyliving thing in the tank afterwards..
  12. subvillian

    POO POO Problem

  13. subvillian

    POO POO Problem

    Sorry Wax, The post before yours was deleted. That was not geared towards you. The post before yours Suggested offered no help, just that i should do some research about a hobbie i'm so ignorant about. I Also miss represented the idea of a cycle. My idea is that your tank is always cycling...
  14. subvillian

    POO POO Problem

    thats some harsh responses. i Did a 3 week cycle, checked my levels. and got some damsals. Everything is great but the POO. i need more time now for the bacteria to develop but i did not think i was that much of a newb. this is my second tank. ALSO ISN'T THIS THE "NEW HOBBIEST' forum where...
  15. subvillian

    POO POO Problem

    i just got some damsals to kick the cycle into high gear. 3 damsals and 10 turbo snails. It took me 3 days to feed them scence the closest lfs is an hour away. Now that i have fed them, yesterday, there is CRAP all over my sand... How do i clean this up??? what Animal do i need to get rid of...
  16. subvillian

    high temp

    My Lights are on legs 4 inches above the glass cover top. And i am still getting temp at 82. They are some bad ass HQIs but they heat the tank up to much. I am forced to keep them off for most of the day. My tank is in a cool enough room with out any windows. HOW Do I GET The TEMP down.???
  17. subvillian

    Nemo is Free.. Thx Katrina

    I hope i get insurance. Cuse not only is my tank gone, my whole 2 story camp is gone. in Diamondhead Miss. When i get the Money raised up you better believe i will get a fish tank before i get a computer. i had a 29 gal 4 fish, 2 months old but i had it rockin. Let me know what yall lost.
  18. subvillian

    How do i Move my Tank??

  19. subvillian

    How do i Move my Tank??

    i never heard of seeding a sand bed.. :thinking: Is that just Live Sand or something else special? Well i guess what i plan to do is taking three 5gl buckets from my tank to the new place. Adding Live Sand and extra cured LR. thinking About 2-3inch sand bed, 13 extra lb of LR = 20lb total...
  20. subvillian

    How do i Move my Tank??

    Any one else have any Good ideas???