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  1. subvillian

    How do i Move my Tank??

    My Driving time will be about an hour
  2. subvillian

    How do i Move my Tank??

    Will i have to start a new cycle when i set my tank back up? Or do i try to transport as much water from the tank as possible? And I have black sand in it now and when i move i want to replace it with live sand; is this a good idea??
  3. subvillian

    Ok so what can I do to get rid of this stuff?

    I had the same Problem with my new tank. I got a Lawnmower Blenny and he ripped that stuff right out of site in just days.
  4. subvillian

    How do i Move my Tank??

    I Need to Move my tank to my new Apartment in 2 weeks. Its A 30gl with 4 fish and some inverts. What might be the best way to do this? Return my inhabitants to store or take out alot of water and move them in the tank. Any suggestions Plz. thx
  5. subvillian

    Lawn mower blenny

    Mine does the same thing.. Hides as soon as he sees activity outside the tank, But WOW has he whipped my tank into shape!!
  6. subvillian

    how to clean sand

    Was Wandering if anyone know how to clean reagular sand.. and if i wanted to change my sand to live sand how would i go about doing that with out killing my fish. Any Advice would be Great!! thx.
  7. subvillian

    brown live rock

    they sell a nano reef packet here and i got a 20gl tank. would that be a good buy to keep things in shape 4 now?? its a fish only right now, with a chocolate starfish and a damsel??
  8. subvillian

    brown live rock

    if it is alge there are spot on the class too.. do i clean it and with what. Or just wait and and goes away. What about a snail or something to clean it off??
  9. subvillian

    brown live rock

    My live rock is starting to to turn completely brown. is this alge or is it just growing either way what should i do and is this good or bad??
  10. subvillian

    live Rock turning orange

    My tank is under a week old and the Live rock is showing some color changes. its started with some Pinks on it and now there are patches of orange poping up all over it. Its doing some serious color changes. the pink spots are still visable. Is this good or bad?? Is Alge starting to form. If...
  11. subvillian

    newbi here

    got my test kit today and salt tester..By the way Salt was way off the charts.. ok lets see pH was at 8.2 Ammonia between 0.25 and 0.50 Nitrite 0.25 Nitrate 15 and thats all i know so far.. i got 2 little blue fish one with yellow tail. new store owner told me they where good starter fish...
  12. subvillian

    newbi here

    well here it is .the green spinny starfish is losing all its limbs at the moment. it had moved across the tank when i woke, and now this. the chocolate star fish has not moved but an inch and has been flexing its limbs slowly but constantly in up and under all day. i checked the nitite and...
  13. subvillian

    newbi here

    well i hate to tell you this but my 2 star fish started moving an hour ago. they remain still again.but i will post in the morning to tell you the progress. they seem to be ok for the moment. I am not sure why they have decided to move all of a sudden. i have had the light on all day so we will...
  14. subvillian

    newbi here

    thx guys i just found out my neighboor knew alot about this stuff and he said he had a good book. I will check that out and see if it gives me any answers. i the mean time i'm gonna run out and get some tester kits. See if i can get this thing balance first. I probly just need some easy fish to...
  15. subvillian

    newbi here

    I just got my first tank today. They guy at the store said all i need to do is add this bacteria mix to the tank and i can have living fish today.Well... 2 starfished died and looks like the snails are about to kick the bucket too. I guess i need alittle more info to get this thing off right...