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  1. janis

    What have we done wrong ?

    Sorry, been offline a while. Nothing has been added to the tank at all. I don't have any numbers to give you, all our tank testing kits are done by a colour card, you match your water to the colour on the chart, they are all normal. Temp is about 79. The last fish died on Friday so we now have a...
  2. janis

    What have we done wrong ?

    The tank is one year old, I don't deal with all the tech stuff, my husband does that, so I don't know what they are. He said the water is perfect nothing is too high or to low, our fish shop has also checked everything, temp just right. Lost two more fish over night, the tang now has pop eye...
  3. janis

    What have we done wrong ?

    Hello The blue chromis is now dead and the clown looks like he has pop eye, his fins have rotted badly today and he does not look good at all. We have a 250 ltr tank and the flow is approx 1500 ltrs per hour. The treatment is called Myxazin Thanks, any suggestions needed urgently. Janis
  4. janis

    What have we done wrong ?

    When I get home I will post them, along with the treatment we are using. Thank you for replying Janis
  5. janis

    What have we done wrong ?

    Just popped home to see how they are and things don't look good. Help, please, anyone? Janis
  6. janis

    What have we done wrong ?

    Hi It has been ages since I last posted and things have been going great until last week and then disaster struck. First our mardarin looked dull and as through she had small blisters forming. The blenny seemed to loose his colour and was very quiet and not feeding and the tang was covered in...
  7. janis


    Well I didn't phone them I went in to see them. I told them what you had advised and the dealer tells me that it will only eat a fish much smaller that it, a fish larger than the octopus will eat it. I have a feeling that they might have a very angry customer if they stick by this advice and...
  8. janis


    Very lucky escape then. I can't believe that the dealer would sell this to anyone without telling them all the facts. I am going to ring them tomorrow and tell them they better give the person they sell it to the right info. Thanks Janis
  9. janis


    Hi Our local shop has a baby octopus for sale, they can't seem to tell us anything about it. Are they suitable for a 60 gal tank in which we have a tellow tang, two clown, 6 line wrasse, orchid dottyback, flame hawk fish and a coral beauty. We also have some shrimp and crabs, it would be cool...
  10. janis

    Bi-colour Blenny with stripes?

    Thanks for putting my mind at rest, I haven't seen him since yesterday, he has gone into hiding. Janis
  11. janis

    Bi-colour Blenny with stripes?

    Hi We have just got a bi-bolour blenny and he looks like the pictures I have seen except that he has white stripes on his body. They are small stripes and not uniformed. The fish dealer said it was because he was stressed in their tank and they would disapper when we put him in our tank. They...
  12. janis

    Help My Mandarin Please! Picked On By The Wrasse!

    Hi We have the same trouble with our 6 line wrasse. All was fine in our tank until we introduced a Orchid Dottyback, the wrasse went at her constantly for about 4 days, if we could have caught the Orchid we would have taken her out. It has been over a week now and things have settled down, but...
  13. janis

    Sebae Anemone eats Perc

    Yuk, that is awful. Come to think of it he did look a bit full up the next day, if he eats anymore he will have to go on a holiday down the pan. Janis
  14. janis

    Sebae Anemone eats Perc

    The only other fish in with my clown was a yellow tang, female clown and a sixline wrasse. The clown were in first and they all get along fine. He vanished in a few hours and I didn't think the crabs would eat him that quickly, and there was no reason for him to die, he was perfectly happy and...
  15. janis

    Help! Im a fish Killer!

    Hi Sorry to hi jack this thread but I am a bit worried to read about Tangs needing a large tank. We have a 55gal tank and have a Yellow Tang, the system is about 2 months old and it was recommended by our local marine shop to put the Tang in first with clowns. Is he going to die soon if the tank...
  16. janis

    Sebae Anemone eats Perc

    Ditto, my little clown vanished last week and the only thing we can think of is the Atlantic Anenome ate him. It is always trying to eat the cleaner shrimp that teases it all day. Janis
  17. janis

    what do you all pay?

    You are lucky. Here in the Uk we paid £36.00 for our Coral Beauty. Janis
  18. janis

    One clownfish in my pair died, get a new one?

    Awww sorry to hear that, I have the same dilema now. Been to our local shop today an they have advised the our little girl will be fine on her own and if we intoduce another there is no guarantee they will pair and will not fight. Apparently they do fine on their own and it is us humans that...
  19. janis

    My clown has vanished

    I think we are pretty sure that it is not a mantis. There is only one other explanation we can think of and that is that he has been eaten by our Atlantis Anemone. That was in the corner of the tank where the clowns usually go at night, I think it was in a bad mood as it had just been fished...
  20. janis

    My clown has vanished

    Thanks I will check again. I think I will have to sit up for a while tonight the check out what is going on in the tank after dark. I never realised I would get so attached to the little guys. Janis