what do you all pay?


Active Member
I was just wanting to know what you all pay for these types of fish:
Coral Beauty Angel
Pygmy Angel
I phone one of our stores today and they only had a Coral Beauty at a whopping $59.99 CDN....


Active Member
Holy Molars!!
I have a coral beauty angel that's been in my tank now about 3 weeks and doing great!!
She cost me probably about 22.95...where the heck are you shopping???? Sheesh!!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I paid 21 dollars for my coral beauty.
If you do a little bit of searching on the net you'll find that a certain website is selling them on sale.... I will not mention the site.. but good searching :)


Active Member
This is in Canada, yep we pay dearly for our stuff here. We also don't have the selection like you all in the USA. There is a place in Vancouver BC that is alot cheaper $24.99 but the air transportation is about double this so it works out no cheaper. If I am ever in that neck of the woods (7 hrs ) away, I am going to stop in this place. But what I am going to see is the price the store I deal with all the time has on theirs, if it is the same I will wait till October when they have their 2 for 1 and order one in. You only have to get one fish and they give you half off. But we pay alot here for our fish etc. Example a Yellow Tang, are you ready..........$69.99 CDN :scared:


Active Member
Speg, would love to but we cannot bring anything live into Canada from the USA without a whole pile of hassle. Read my last post, there are ways around these crazy prices.... :jumping:


Active Member
Thats expensive. Have you thought about ordering from an online website? Yellow tangs at my LFS normally run $20-$25.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Debbie
BangGuy, sorry but I don't know what you are saying to me?... :thinking:
That's what I pay


Active Member
Thanks BangGuy, I thought that's what you mean but just had to make sure.
By the way BangGuy, I might be turning my 25 into salt. I would love to put one of these fish in there, can you tell me which of the two is the easier one and best one to have?

bang guy

Originally Posted by Debbie
By the way BangGuy, I might be turning my 25 into salt. I would love to put one of these fish in there, can you tell me which of the two is the easier one and best one to have?
Neither are easy in a small tank in my opinion.


Active Member
BangGuy, thanks for your thoughts on this, I value you opinion..... :yes:
Thanks to the rest of you for your replies......


I saw a coral beauty for $18 yesterday and that is the cheapest I have seen. I think we paid $25 for the first one we had that was contaminated with ich
Needless to say it ied along with evertthing else in my tank.


Active Member
For a coral beauty, easily a range from $20 to $40+
Lower end are sketchier no-guarantee places. The higher end - you're paying for a guarantee, cleaner tanks, more selection. Maybe a choice of a half dozen versus one or two.